Large tear/cut below vent

Where is your general location in the world? Have you seen her lying down a lot recently? What is your bedding like? Is there any moisture in the coop or run? Keeping the wound clean and moistened with antibiotic ointment or medihoney would be best. Sometimes a daily soak in warm Epsom salts water can be helpful.
Where is your general location in the world? Have you seen her lying down a lot recently? What is your bedding like? Is there any moisture in the coop or run? Keeping the wound clean and moistened with antibiotic ointment or medihoney would be best. Sometimes a daily soak in warm Epsom salts water can be helpful.
High desert, North West Nevada. Typically very dry here, have been getting weather the last week but they have a covered run with plastic sheet walls, very large dry shed/coop attached, and an outside run thats bottomless sand. The inside run is sand/pine shavings/mulch. Their poopshelf in the coop is large flake pine bedding we change regularly. Shes been acting normal, I spent a couple hours with them yesterday and never noticed anything abnormal. Have not seen her lying down unusually. She was eating and walking around when I got home.

Zero mud anywhere - the outside run (and whole yard) is deep sand and drains very well.
In summer heat, we sometimes see this as a result of flystrike when there has been an injury or peck wounds. Flystrike is when fly larvae or maggots infest a wound or poopy butt. Please let us know how she gets along.
She definitely did not have any injuries prior, I just trimmed her butt floof back, a week ago, to keep her from collecting any poo on her feathers. Very strange. I will keep her clean and slathered with ointment and let you all know how it goes.

Thank you all for the suggestions!
Quick update:

Misty was inside all day, she had an epsom salt bath this morning followed by another application of vetericyn and neosporin. She laid an egg. Has been eating crumble and snacking on a little bit of scratch and lettuce. We let her walk around on a few towels laid out and shes acting very normal - you’d never know anything was wrong.

I know this is a sensitive topic and very personal choice but I have oxytetracycline, enrofloxacin, doxycycline, spectromyacin, and amoxicilin for birds. I’m hesitant to give her anything but part of me wonders if a proactive antibiotic would be good given the size of the wound. On the other hand, given her behavior I’m inclined to wait but I’d hate to wait for an infection when I could have done something. But she is clean and covered with neosporin… :oops:

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