Larkwell Valley (2023)

EstrellaView attachment 3368451
Ambrose (super old flock master) and either Un or Deux (probably Deux)View attachment 3368452
Asian Black female (Big Boy's sis), Jezebell and a Naked Neck Mix
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Mr. Zoom Zoom's sister
View attachment 3368454
ButterballView attachment 3368455both Mr. Zoom Zoom's galsView attachment 3368456
Butterball causing troubleView attachment 3368457View attachment 3368458
The Spanish and Polly
View attachment 3368459
Butterball 🥹
Butterball 🥹
She's definitely one of the top girls right now there. Not that there's much competition. The Spanish is a terror to everyone when she's cranky, Polly would be if she could see and the others just wanna be left alone.

She definitely knows when it's food time though
Love the splash Marans. What a beautiful looking breed!
I didn't even know they were a thing. Like, obviously they must be if there are blue copper marans, but it just never occurred to me before. Strangely, the splash chicks were cheaper than the blue and blacks.

Peaches has a lovely head, and even Samwell has some orange feathers scattered in his hackles
Cornish hen has some foot issues I'm working on. Came out of nowhere practically. Hoping she only loses a few nails and a toe or too, but this one seems pretty aggressive already.

Still have a ton of males I need to cape out, preferably before spring since I'm feeding almost 20 extras that were supposed to be gone back in October before I fell behind in my work.
Sexlink is still having her wound treated. Not looking better though, but it's still somewhat early.

I have a D'anvers that is sundowning. She's great all day but once it gets to evening, she starts acting off. Then she is all fine the next morning when I feed and water.

Feet on most seem to be healing for the most part. Still watching most, but I only have 4 that I'm super concerned about still

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