Lash egg?


In the Brooder
Mar 19, 2021
I have a hen that is about 2 years old that has not been feeling well. She eats and drinks and goes outside, but is puffed up and slow moving. Her vent is poopy and her stools are runny. I have had her separated a few days now and gave her a worming treatment. Today when I checked in on her after work I found these. Is this small lash eggs? I've never felt with that before so im not sure what to look for. If so what is my next step? Thank you


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To me this seems to be salpingitis. Sometimes a chickens digestive system has a bacterial infection, commonly known as salpingitis. For treating this infection, use antibiotics in her water to clean out the bacteria in her oviduct. You could try feeding her grit as well, this will help her digestive system break down food better and help it to all leave her. Making it harder for food to be left behind and bacteria to grow. Make sure she is getting plenty of water as well. This will help wash bacteria out.
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Can you cut into those and take another picture? It does look like lash material, and that is caused by salpingitis, inflammation of the oviduct. E.coli and other types of bacteria can be a possible cause. Amoxicillin or Aqua Mox found online can treat reproductive infection in early stages.
Yes, Amoxicillin is a great supplement to use for birds. For her age I recommend using one level teaspoon of Amoxicillin to one gallon of fresh water. You can do this for five to ten days.
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If a chicken does survive salpingitis it may never recover back to its regular egg laying. Salpingitis usually occurs to chickens 2 years or older, due to obesity, vent picking, and reprint our illness. I would say your next move is to try to get lots of the bacteria out of her body. Her body is working really hard to try to fight this off, which created the lash egg. She isn’t egg bound, however. Make sure to check her bottom. Is there poop on it? If so, clean it immediately. Does she see, to be standing tall like a penguin? Is she moving slower? Always check her bottom for poop.
Can you cut into those and take another picture? It does look like lash material, and that is caused by salpingitis, inflammation of the oviduct. E.coli and other types of bacteria can be a possible cause. Amoxicillin or Aqua Mox found online can treat reproductive infection in early stages.


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If a chicken does survive salpingitis it may never recover back to its regular egg laying. Salpingitis usually occurs to chickens 2 years or older, due to obesity, vent picking, and reprint our illness. I would say your next move is to try to get lots of the bacteria out of her body. Her body is working really hard to try to fight this off, which created the lash egg. She isn’t egg bound, however. Make sure to check her bottom. Is there poop on it? If so, clean it immediately. Does she see, to be standing tall like a penguin? Is she moving slower? Always check her bottom for poop.
Yes she does have a poopy bottom. Her stools are very runny. One reason I wormed her. I thought she had an over load of worms. But that wS a few days ago. Now these today. She is standing kind of hunched. Her comb is very pale and flopped over. When she walks its slow.
Amoxicillin dosage is given orally, 125-250 mg given orally twice a day for 7-10 days. If you are certain that she will eat some egg or other food, it can be put in there. It should not be put into the water.
Baytril or enrofloxacin is a better antibiotic that treats more bacteria, including E.coli. I have bought the 10% liquid from

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