Last call for Penny the Pekin with mystery skin ailment

I am trying to figure out if you gave enough of either, but I need to know more about the medication, as in how many mg of medication were in one ml.
Well the gal I spoke with this morning said the tylosin was 100 mg and the cephalexin was 500 mg. Other than that I don't think I can give you anymore information.
@Miss Lydia Did your ducks take to the pellets right away? I found some non-gmo organic pellets at the grange this morning but my ducks are so far not interested. They try them and the pieces fall right out of their mouths. The fermented food is so much wetter. Any tips for getting them interested?
I just put them out And they gobbled then right up. I first mixed a couple cups of non gmo 6 way scratch into the pellets. They will eat all the scratch out but they are getting some pellets too then by end of day before bed it’s all gone.
I just finished washing down the coop and spraying it with pemetherin. I also just gave her an epsom salt bath and saw that the red areas are spreading up higher towards her neck. Yesterday I thought she was better. This is such a roller-coaster. I am going to call this new vet I found tomorrow and see if they will anyway see her earlier than the 20th. My last vet is apparently good for nothing as he never even returned my call :(

I have been adding the pellets to their regular food and they've been eating some of them :)

Thank you so much for checking in!!
Hi Miss Lydia, thanks for checking in. I called the two avian specialist vets in my area Friday to see if I could get an earlier appointment than the 20th, but no luck. I am worried about her today as it's the worst I've seen. BUT, she continues to eat and drink as normal, push her way to the front for treats, and on Friday I saw her balancing on the edge of the water bowl - which is something she likes to do, and no small feat for a 10 pound duck. So she still has spirit left. I just pray she heals a bit and doesn't get any worse before I take her in on Wednesday. I am so anxious to get to the bottom of this. I continue to mix their fermented food with the pellets half and half and they're eating it all. I haven't let Penny swim the last couple of days as her side just looks too raw and I'm concerned about making it worse. I will let you know as soon as I get back from the vet on Wednesday! Thanks for your kind concern!
Good news! I just got a call from the vet and they had a cancellation, so I can bring her in tomorrow at 7 pm. I so happy that we're getting in sooner, and just praying they have wisdom to understand what's going on with her! Will post an update Tuesday when I have more info.

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