Last choice... RIR or Golden Comet

my rir's started laying a month and a half ago and have not missed a day since. That plus they lay some mighty big eggs.
Ok, last question. As I don't want to create a "situation", are the two breeds different in regards to noise making? I have a small lot and don't want to upset neighbors.
You can't get any guarantees about noise with any hens. They will cackle when they lay, sometimes when they're about to lay. I have several RIR's and one never says a word, one hardly cackles at all and one is a loudmouth. It's much more an individual thing than a breed thing.
Having 5 Gold Comets I can say this---I'll get 5 eggs a day-- every day,Nice size too. Hens are very friendly as can be.

I'd have to atmit tho--I'd love to fine few RIR to go with them<if i could find then anyways near me here in Va.

I was told in another thread that the egg laying song that hens make are not louder than a barking dog. Hope that helps you with the noise question.
I have RIR's. I love my girls. There are pictures on my BYC Page. I will be getting more chicks soon and am considering trying another breed but have no complaints.

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