Last choice... RIR or Golden Comet

MY golden Comets laid all winter in sub zero temps, If I were to get more and I had that choice I would definitely go with the Golden Comet because i have also heard that th RIR are aggressive.
I've had RIR's from Privett in the past. They only layed good for the first 18 months and then petered out. That first winter they were awesome layers though. I recently acquired some sexlinked chicks from Townline. I'm sure they will be awesome egglayers but it remains to be seen how long they will be good for.
I know this is well after the fact but there is so little on BYC about the Golden Comet I had to put in my two cents for them in case this comes up on someone else's search! I know, they are not fancy, which is why I ended up getting a few more chicks after my initial purchase, but my Golden Comets are calm, friendly and super quiet. They are good with my kids and their friends -- very gentle and not flighty at all (maybe because they are such big girls!) I have heard also they lay a lot up front and then retire early (though I have no experience with the retirement part yet.) My friend has RIR's and is delighted with them. RIR's are a pretty color, and the comets are, well . . . unremarkable but it's not like they are unattractive chickens! I've always had a soft spot for a mutt, I guess.

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