Last Month Was Tough!


10 Years
Apr 2, 2013
Gatesville Texas
:frowHowdy everyone! It's so good to be back. The last 30 days or so has been rough. As some of you know I finally hatched a chick right before Easter which I have been trying to do so long. Well during that time I hurt myself, (gave myself a hernia). I thought no big deal go and get it fixed:confused:. I went in to have surgery and almost didn't come home. I had a bad reaction to the anesthesia and quit breathing. Lucky the Dr brought me back. But as they fixed my hernia which was worse than originally thought (3 inch incision became 12 inches):eek: they found a tumor. They removed the tumor and it was benine. (Thank God):bow . Then I developed a huge infection that turned my abdomen black and blue. So for 2 weeks I couldn't walk:old. Now here I am 4 weeks later and back at work as of yesterday. I thank God that I got through this whole ordeal which was supposed to be a simple operation.:weeSo in simple terms I'm Back!:celebrate
que lastima 2.jpg

I am happy that you are on the mend!
Good to have you back! Don't be surprised if you tire easily for a while yet. Take care of yourself so you can recover fully. DH had surgery in Nov, 2016. What was thought to be a simple appendectomy turned out to be a necrotic appendix that had ruptured roughly a week before. There was also an abscess that had eaten a hole in the abdominal wall, and the necrotic appendix had eaten a hole in the colon, filling the abdominal cavity full of stool. Oh, and the surgeon noticed that the gall bladder was full of infected stones, so he removed that, too, as long as he was in there. DH tired easily for months after that ordeal. Your wounds may be sewed up, but your body had been through a lot of trauma.
Good to have you back! Don't be surprised if you tire easily for a while yet. Take care of yourself so you can recover fully. DH had surgery in Nov, 2016. What was thought to be a simple appendectomy turned out to be a necrotic appendix that had ruptured roughly a week before. There was also an abscess that had eaten a hole in the abdominal wall, and the necrotic appendix had eaten a hole in the colon, filling the abdominal cavity full of stool. Oh, and the surgeon noticed that the gall bladder was full of infected stones, so he removed that, too, as long as he was in there. DH tired easily for months after that ordeal. Your wounds may be sewed up, but your body had been through a lot of trauma.
Your DH Went through a lot too!
He did. Five rounds of high-powered antibiotics in two months, plus two abscesses that needed to be drained a couple of weeks after surgery and an incision from the bottom of his sternum to his “bikini line”.
I have read before that a ruptured appendix is a very bad thing. Was he trying to tough it out with the pain so delayed going to seek help?

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