Lav x Black offspring

Solsken Farm

12 Years
I have some Lav eggs from Harry and Charm coming. As if I needed another pen.
I just couldn't resist.
I have one question. Does the offspring of the Lavs x Blacks create the splashes, as the Blue x Blacks do? I am trying to decide if I will put my black hens in with the lavs or just keep the lavs by themselves.


i meant black hens, duh.
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If they are 1/2 lav and 1/2 black, they'll be black but carrying the lavender gene. If you cross breed them you'll get 25% lavender, 25% black, and 50% black carrying the lavender gene. I think that's right...
lavxblack give you visual black that carry the lav gene. Lav is complete recessive so
lav x lav = complete lav
lav x black = all black carrying lav
lav x split = 50% lav, 50% split
split x split = 25%black (no lav), 50% split, 25% lav

lav is completely different than blue
but what will you get from a lav x blue?
I too was trying to figure out what to do with my 2 splash and 1 blue pullets, since they don't have a boy, I was considering if I should put them in with the lav cockeral?
To get splashing you have to add a double dose of the blue gene. Lavender does not create a splash effect.

If you put them in with blues or splashes, F1 will be blacks and/or blues, depending on exactly what you paired them with; all will be split to lav.

Cross the offspring and you'll get some lavenders (the ones who receive double doses of both lav and bl), blue (some also genetically lavender, some split, some pure), splash (again, some also genetically lavender, either split or pure) and black (some split to lav, some LavLav).

Because you have no way of knowing whether a given bird is split to lav (other than being the offspring of a lavender bird crossed with a non-lavender bird), keeping the two colours mixed together is probably not your best choice--you'll have surprises--which may or may not be okay for you, but lav is also associated with poor feather structure and I believe there are also some organ concerns as well.
unless the lavender bird also carries an andalusian blue gene, or two (splash), just consider it as a normal black bird in your calculations of crossing with blue or splash.
I would not advise mixing Lavender with the common blue. You can use your blacks later if you wish. The chicks you should get will be all visual Lavender or black split lavender. I would keep them in a seperate pen. The ideal would be if you get a Lavender rooster and lavender and black split hens in the same pen. Good luck with your hatch. Harry

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