Lavender Ameraucana Breeders .... UNITE

Hello everyone.

Today I received my Lavender Amercannas. These are the first chicks I have ordered and had sent to me by mail. They were very Healthy and Beautiful. Thank youCliff for the new additions to my new family. My wife and I have been watching them every since they came in at 11 today.
Congrats on the new Lavs. You will love them. I got my first mailed chicks about a month ago and it was Lavs and Blacks. I know the feeling, we were so excited. They are doing great and growing fast.
Good luck!
I believe I have found this one on color and I am not sure we are not saying the same thing but Debates are things which do Not necessarily increase knowledge as we well know . In most cases debates tend to be destructive and a tool that a lot of people use to simply bash others.
Amen Brother. Negativity need not apply
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Hello! I finally got my batch of Lav's and Black from Paul Smith and this will be my starter flock for Lav's. We plan to show locally and look forward to seeing what we produce from these babies. They are still young but we will see how they mature.

i got mine on the 3rd of this month from Paul as well. what pen numbers did you get punched on your lavs and blacks.
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Many people feed medicated feed and then treat if the birds show symptoms (overload). Signs are puffed up sluggish birds when the rest are perfectly comfortable running around. Also you sometimes see blood in the poops, but sometimes that is too late to treat and you will loose that bird - so watch them. With a brooder situation you will sometimes not see it until the chicks have a "day outside" where the other chickens go.

I would not treat with Corid if they show no symptoms - as it blocks niacin absorption and can lead to curled toes and other structural anomalies.

I have recently changed what I do with the chicks because of the curled toes, etc.. I feed flock starter to the chicks (un-medicated) and only treat them if and when they show signs. I also expose them to the cocci early, like 3 days old (while their natural immunities are still building) by putting a chunk of turf with grass from where my chickens roam.. My mother has broody raised babies, and she has never had signs of cocci in her flock, they all build up their immunities to it when they are really young. I did this with my Lavenders and they are huge and healthy - no signs of cocci. I will be watching them closely this week and the next though - some people also say it hits badly at 8 weeks.. I have Corid and Sulmet if I need them.

My birds are almost 8 weeks old and I am still not sure who is who.. I feather sexed at 3 days old and showed 3 male and 5 females. I banded them. Now I am wondering if I have 3 females and 5 males...
but it doesn't match backwards from my early guesses either.. so only time will tell.
the dirt idea works ! if you do use corid it is good to use a full dose for the recommended time ( 5 days if I recall) then half dos another 5 to build a resistance
Hello everyone.

Today I received my Lavender Amercannas. These are the first chicks I have ordered and had sent to me by mail. They were very Healthy and Beautiful. Thank youCliff for the new additions to my new family. My wife and I have been watching them every since they came in at 11 today.

i got mine on the 3rd of this month from Paul as well. what pen numbers did you get punched on your lavs and blacks.

Two days ago arrived my Blehm chicks. 5 lavs lf and 4 bantam. I also got blacks, buff and silver in bantam and LF. I'm so happy.
congrats on all the new lavender chicks. Such a pretty breed
My two-week old lavender chick that I thought was suffering from "failure to thrive" appears to be improving somewhat. I had thought she and the sick Basque were suffering from cocci, but once I got them eating again, the Basque started running around and acting like a normal chick. The lavender spends a lot of time eating, but otherwise she just stands there, no digging or quick movements.
Today I saw her jump up on something and flap her wings. She is definitely the smallest and she does spend a lot of time under the Ecoglow, but I'm hoping the small improvements will lead to bigger ones. Time will tell.

I got mine Tuesday and they are beautiful. I am hoping to see more discussion about colors. I love John's chickens and he is one whale of a nice guy. My are based on his stock and come from Snowbird . It is always Great when I can do business with a brother in Christ. . They have an unmistakable "look" which I admire very much.
Congrats on your babies.. We love our lavendar Ameraucanas as well........Some of the first babies born from them!

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