Lavender Ameraucana???.....can you help please???


Jul 22, 2011

Never had these ameraucana's before....i am told lavender ameraucana....are they boys or girls???...i think they are around 10 weeks or so....they sure are cute!...thanks
The one that has close up pictures is a cockerel. I can't really see the other. If you're talking about the two that are the same color, than yes, they are Lavender Ameraucanas.
Agree with this. If there are two birds total, one is a cockerel for sure, the other I can't see well enough to say.
sure ....just my luck....they are the cutest little birds!.....and they will end up being roosters!.....i never saw or had these before....the other is a mix orpington i think....lavender and buff mix maybe...and im sure that will be a rooster too!!!!...thanks for all your hepl!...i guess i will just have to keep trying!...hatching is always 50/50!

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