Lavender Ameraucana, NY

chicken stalker

TOS Rocks!
Aug 31, 2008
Binghamton, NY
I have a lavender ameraucana cockeral that I hatched from Harry Shaffer's stock. He is healthy and comes when called. He is the smallest male I have, so he is the low man on the totum pole.

Trade for a bag of poultry feed, hatching eggs, aspargus root stock, raspberry root stock.......or whatever else. Pick up (Binghamton NY)or meet within reason.
I'll be in Syracuse October 3rd and 4th if that helps.

arent you a doll!!!! Thats still 3 hours from me:-( I have gone to VT 2 weekends in a row 3 1/2 hours) to get birds and I promised my DH I was done traveling for the year:-( your so awesome for checking though---
Which PA shows are you refering to? I may just have to go
I do go to Lancaster every late fall to visit amish country. Are you near there?
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