Lavender cuckoo easter egger

Just an update on my progress or lack there of. I was only able to hatch out 14 chicks this spring, and got no lavenders. Really doubting that the black split ameraucanas I have are actually split, although I probably haven't hatched enough to know for sure. Of the 14, it was about half black, half cuckoo. I am now growing out a single lav am pullet I hatched from eggs from Dak, and hope to breed her with my split cuckoo roo when she's old enough. Due to some travel plans, I've been on a hatching freeze from early May until early August. So may try another batch after that.
I have to get some pictures as mine grow out. all of mine are cuckoo patterned, but some are dark with white pattern and some are light with dark pattern. I have one that looks to be a roo that has almost slate legs.. but has a straight comb and some gold bleeding through. I need to get some opinions on where to go from here.....I'm going to try to get some picks this weekend
I need some eggs from somebody with cuckoo hens as well as roos. I wasn't lucky enough to hatch any barred girls here, so the next generation from my projects will still just be single-factor for barring.

I cleaned out the breeding pen and just dusted and wormed everybody, so in a few weeks I should have pure eggs to send out. (weather permitting, of course) Luckily the lav pen is in the woods. When they do have to be separated form the others at least they're comfortable. What an awful summer so far!
Hmmm. Bird one is interesting! It does look crele, BUT it looks like it might be double barred, and it has darker legs. Hold on to that one- and get some lav wheaten eggs from Chicken Stalker!

Also there is a regular cuckoo one on the right of the middle pic of groups. Does it have some color on its feet?

I tried hatching some cuckoo silkes but they didn't make it. I am going to try again in the fall, but I was told by a silkie breeder that even they have issues with the leg color.

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