Lavender Orpington project ....

Awwww all those lavenders are so cute!!
kathy: That is an interesting project lavender coronation sussex! Those little mottled chicks are pretty cool looking- they have a spot on their heads like little cuckoos lol.
New Babies!!!!! Still drying so I'll get better pictures later.

Here are a few pictures taken this evening of my younger group. The older cockerel and pullet are in the 12 weekish age and the younger one (out of one of Tuffoldhens roosters) is in the 8 weekish range. I'm still unsure of exactly what this one is cockerel/pullet?? My other cockerels were more pronounced by this age (it's not red either)..

These three are only partially related if at all as the older ones are from eggs of multiple hens that were with a different rooster when I got them and the younger one from the same hens different rooster. They do have a slight color difference that I found interesting.

I have big plans for these guys just as soon as they are old enough!!



Kathy, I think you're addicted!
Me too! I'm so thrilled to finally get to hatch something for myself here. The race is on between the lavs and the jubilees. The jub jubs are winning! I see a lot of pips in there though, so hoping all turns out well. Should have pics up tomorrow.

Hen Thymes - that one is a tricky one, but I would lean towards boy. The comb is pretty pink for 8 weeks. I don't recall ever seeing a girl with that much comb or color at that age. Although there are exceptions. Good luck - they're looking nice. That bigger boy has some nice shanks, broad body and great coloring!
Love Lavender, Love Orps! What a great combination, don't ya think!
It is so fun watching them grow out. It amazes me how much they change. You get to have sooooo much fun there with those projects. I am envious.
Yeah, they do make a wonderful combination.
I enjoy the projects and the challenge. Keeps me busy and keeps me thinking. I try not to think to much about how much work goes into it. Just keep my eye on the goal and the next steps to get there.
I am confused as well as there was one from this group that was definitely a boy being much bigger combed and really red at a much earlier age, hence my confusion??
I guess only time will tell.

Thank you for the compliments on my older boy, I really like him and can't wait to see how he fills out. I have plans to make the next step of improvements with this group.
Jody, Charlie guys, what color is this? Doesn't look like any blue I ever seen. Sorta weird color. I don't know enough what to call him. I am just curious. You are the Lav experts. I'll call him what ever you folk say he is.

lildinkem, he looks blue to me. I see lacing in the shoulder section and the legs are pretty dark, compared to lav shanks which seem to dilute a bit.

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