Lavender Orpington project ....

My husband and I fight about this as well. He says grey while I say Lavender
My friend also loves to get into this argument and sides with me. We have decided to agree to disagree
Neither will ever win or give in lol All I know is they are beautiful birds!!!!
The gene is Lavender! (lav)

In animals they sure use weird color names, don't they?! A blue heeler dog, for example....
When an animal's coat is described as "blue", it usually refers to a shade of grey.

Why some animal are called blue when in fact their color is not blue? When an animal’s coat is described as "blue", it usually refers to a shade of grey that takes on a bluish tint, a diluted variant of a pure black coat. This designation is used for a variety of animals, including some chicken breeds, some horse coat colors, dog coats, some rat coats, cat coats and rabbit coat colors........​
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strangley enough it was the other way around at one time the english came back over here and imported US version back to england they had been out of national square garden winners. , it was long time ago..the english were concentrating on the type and not on the size so they lost a lot of size once they got back on track they started doing what americans were doin and breeding to strapping big hens..lot of their small hens went into australorp projects.., it is in one of the old books we downloaded to kindle..there are some great old books out there and no one writes books as well today about the subject of orpingtons as the old is in standard orpingtons or william cooks book, I can find it and post it..these books go so much into detail about color and are so interesting that the are invaluable as a resource

Thanks for the interesting info and would love to know the names of the books.

from shell to showroom

the orpington by william cook

standard bred orpingtons

there are a couple others which i just forgot with my short memory and i just looked at them...they are all free for your kindle or nook through several universities including cornell online library..great reference books for everything.pictues through development to indepth reading for color breeders to indepth interesting notes like sometimes your best breeders are not your show birds ect...ect...
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Took some photos of the "babies" tonight. They are in a brooder box in my spare room. We put down the news paper to let them out and "play" with them...they are so sweet. There are 3 cockerels and 2 pullets (my guess), oh, there may be a shot of the serama baby too. This is my daughter giving them treats. Think that they are spoiled? LOL.
All attacking treats at once.



Cute little teenagers! I firmly believe in getting on the same level with your birds- either get on the ground with them, or bring your brooders up to eye level. I think it makes for friendlier adults. Probably doesn't hurt that they are orpingtons either!
My lavender orpington. Yes, he is a lavender orpington!!!



O.k. so now for the details. First let me say that his legs are not yellow, I think it was a combo of the brooder lighting and my camera that make them look yellow, but he is in with yellow legged chicks so I know for sure. He is approx 4-5 weeks old. Oh and yes it is a cockerel!

He is the offspring of a lavender rooster over two hens, a lavender and a split black. Obviously someone is hiding white?? It will be very interesting to see how he finishes out. He has just the one dark spot as of yet, still not sure if it's black or lav and he has just a couple of slate marks near the hock area on both legs. Just goes to show that when working with lavender you just never know what might pop up.
when first starting the lav's projects i thought the color looked just like the color of slate.. beings we live in the slatebelt region here, they sure have the similar color as the stale slabs around here.. But lav works, really cant go against the gen name just doesn't make sense to..
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Thanks for the interesting info and would love to know the names of the books.

from shell to showroom

the orpington by william cook

standard bred orpingtons

there are a couple others which i just forgot with my short memory and i just looked at them...they are all free for your kindle or nook through several universities including cornell online library..great reference books for everything.pictues through development to indepth reading for color breeders to indepth interesting notes like sometimes your best breeders are not your show birds ect...ect...

Thank you!!
I wanted to share my little Persephone. 11 weeks. She was the only one to hatch.


With mom #1


With mom #2

They share duties. I wish one of them would lay something soon instead. She really can fend for herself now.
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