Lavender Orpington project ....

Yes she is was not happen stance, but not planed either :)
The rooster is White. As I have learn white is a wash out of some other
color, the wash out color on the rooster is Lavender,he also carriers a
cuckoo gene that I did not know about when I put a Lavender hen with him......

If I am correct she shows good Orp type, but I will listen to others comments :)

It would be nice to know if there are any other Lavender Cuckoos out there.

So, I would like to know then, where you got your lav orps from? Mine have very slight barring but not over the entire body. I'm selecting against this so have sold the roos that exhibit that trait more boldly. I'll have to look up who I purchased my eggs from.
Did I mention that the eyes on my lavs have darkened? They started out green and sometime between Aug. and Sept. (4 and 5 months) their eyes turned a mid-color brown. At least closer to the standard than green.
I got my eggs from lavendarorpgirl and like most people hers go back a few generations to the hinkjc line. I need to ask her how closely her lines are related. I'll be breeding on of the roos to my best couple black females in Jan. and my best little cockerel to the two lav pullets in Feb. Won't have many chicks this year but should be ready to cross some back the following year.
Hallfamilyfarm was telling me that mating black to white, to improve the white, will result in some cuckoos almost every time.
I can't wait for my Lavender Orp eggs to arrive! I've got 18 eggs coming anywhere from a month from now to spring all from Hink-JC lines at some point before they came to live with their current owners. Excited for them!
I live in Arizona and I found out about lavender orpingtons when I visited North Carolina and fell in love with them! There are hardly any out here and I was lucky to find a trio in Tucson. The lady I bought them from got the eggs on e-Bay but could not remember the name of the hatchery, only that it is a big hatchery in the Carolinas. These poor birds are in bad shape. Very thin from being in the Tucson heat all summer and they have not been on good feed. The rooster has some yellowing over the wings and on the front of the neck. Otherwise their coloring seems to meet the standard. Could the yellow be worsened by too much sun? Do I need to breed to another color to perpetuate the lavender?
Any info would be appreciated.
The yellowing could be from the sun. My lav roo gets some yellowing on his back and back of his neck from sun here in FL. Molts out completely. The sun in AZ is much more intense so it could be... Watch and see if he molts it out once he gets on good feed for a while. Also check them good for lice and mites and do a worming if they are skinny. I bought my roo from someone and he was a little skinny. I didn't check him good for lice when I bought him and when I got home I noticed that he was just crawling with it. Good thing he was quarantined from my girls lol. A little sevin dust did the trick.
If his yellowing does not molt out and/or he passes it to his chicks then he probably has some crossed in genes in there somewhere.
Thanks, I checked for bugs and they seem to be OK but I will difinitely worm them. Hopefully by spring they will be ready to produce some chicks. The lady I got them from said they were a lot darker before she turned them out during the summer.
If you or anyone know of someone that sells "Lavender Orphingtons" even hatching eggs, I would love to try my hand at them also. Thay are BEAUTIFUL. I have been raising chickens for the last 5 years and it is a hobby. I have Black French Copper Marans and Wheaten Marans. Seems like the Wheatens are more timid and not as hardy as my BFCM's, i started with Dominique then Amearucana ,Blk Australops,Cochins, Self Blue Old English, Millie Fleur, Cuckoo Marans Still have several Silkie Bantams. I kinda lost track ,but am now interested in trying to find some of the Lavender Orphingtons and Salmon Faverolle's . I would appreciat any information you could share. Thank You So Much !!! Debra ( Miller's Marans )
If you or anyone know of someone that sells "Lavender Orphingtons" even hatching eggs, I would love to try my hand at them also. Thay are BEAUTIFUL. I have been raising chickens for the last 5 years and it is a hobby. I have Black French Copper Marans and Wheaten Marans. Seems like the Wheatens are more timid and not as hardy as my BFCM's, i started with Dominique then Amearucana ,Blk Australops,Cochins, Self Blue Old English, Millie Fleur, Cuckoo Marans Still have several Silkie Bantams. I kinda lost track ,but am now interested in trying to find some of the Lavender Orphingtons and Salmon Faverolle's . I would appreciat any information you could share. Thank You So Much !!! Debra ( Miller's Marans )
Where are you located? I'm In CNY and will have hatching eggs and chicks in the spring.
Hello !!!
Thank you for your reply, I live in Tulsa, Oklahoma 74107( Ladylibra, I bet you recently had a Birthday !!! ) Me too... So Happy Belated Birthday.
I have tried every local that i know of, i would love any information you might have. Thank you !! Debra Miller ( Miller's Marans)
Here is an update picture of my Lavender Pullet
Aprox 7 months old


Yes she is was not happen stance, but not planed either :)
The rooster is White. As I have learn white is a wash out of some other
color, the wash out color on the rooster is Lavender,he also carriers a
cuckoo gene that I did not know about when I put a Lavender hen with him......

If I am correct she shows good Orp type, but I will listen to others comments :)

It would be nice to know if there are any other Lavender Cuckoos out there.


Hi there, I just ran across this post (I must have missed it some how
) Here are a couple pics of my lavender cuckoo pullet.

(Nice girl you have........


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