Lavender patterned Isabel duckwing barred - lavender brown cuckoo barred - project and genetic dis

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Thank you so much for this information. It is a lot to absorb and I will certainly have to study what you have said. Thank you for trying to answer my questions, it is very generous of you. Much appreciated.
We only have bantam silkies here in Australia. I personally would love to see some large ones. hoping I can get this project off the ground. Yes it will be very interesting! Thanks again.
I'm trying to find that contest now..I'll post it here for you all once I find it.
Thanks KikisGirls --
here is a link:

and I only found that because I was looking for Texas thread.... It's harder to find stuff on the new BYC.

Let's get some pictures of LavenderPatternedIsabelDuckwings presented for the calendar contest oH you splended photographers -- camping? cJ? moonshiner? C'mon guys, I'll try too. :O)
We only have bantam silkies here in Australia. I personally would love to see some large ones. hoping I can get this project off the ground. Yes it will be very interesting! Thanks again.

My huge fluffy cats sold themselves. I'd think huge fluffy chickens would be nearly as popular. :thumbsup

well what do you know... so maybe only UK has full sized silkies.... hmmmm.
A little rain never hurt anyone did it?
Actually this rain is welcome because my plants/garden/trees NEED it -- and it is much cooler today.

Had said that the next major post will be the females -- and -- specifically the ones that I want to use for breeding.

Mr. Dan Dykes came and did the P/T testing here -- so that's accomplished for another year -- now just need to get my seller's license renewed -- One thing about having him come from Tx A&M to do the testing -- besides that he is a fabulous person -- is that he provides a ton of wisdom and answers questions. Of course I was really eager to get some insights about the project birds from someone I really respect (and also Mr. Dykes has tons of showing knowledge and experience -- even to the level of the 'Nationals'. --)

For that reason, it was super gratifying to have him notice 'Iris' and say how nice she is.
So rainy day and all here are some photos of 'Iris'

to my eye she has a nice 'type' -- anyone with greater leghorn expertise can sure chime in -- her tails does show definite barring along with her hackles.

Straight comb and long back -- this following picture is a more accurate representation of her color

Pale salmon breast - and the hackles show that warm color above

The above shot is more accurate for her color. Her hackles are barred, she has no crest, slight straw/cream in her hackles especially close to her head.
"Exit stage left" -- tail barring, horizontal wing and contrast between hackle and body saturation/color
grooming 1
grooming 2 - fluffing.
You can see she isn't crazy-run-away fearful -- maybe partly because I just had given her an overly ripe strawberry and she was thinking maybe there's more. I like how the inner/underside of her tail tent has darker feathers.
Here's "Barbara Robinson" -- she's the first one that began to show barring -- and she's pictured as a chick in the first post of this thread. she had a tiny white snip between her head V which lead me to believe that she would grow up to be barred. Sorry she has dirt on her feathers -- but that is just good old coop dirt, not a discoloration of some brown feathers in the lav. Nice white earlobe, warm pale salmon breast feathers..... prefer an upright comb like Iris has and Barbara's neck hackles lack the warm tones that Iris has -- so I probably won't hatch from Barbara.
The other lav in that pen has a crest, and I'm leaving the crest behind, and Mr.Dykes also recommended it.
Now - here's part of that picture. People who do a lot of showing and judge -- think of crest like BIG crest (always reminds me of 'big hair') -- and the controlled crest of what I see as the Cream Legbar should be -- is something that they are unfamiliar if it isn't big (domed skull-type) crest they think of it as inferior. Since domed skull can be quite bad for the chicken -- that is a place I am the opposite, and therefor don't want domed skull. That's the first pen. The 4th female in there is a split. Wild and crazy - she was raised by the bantam - -but she may have flirted with going broody.. Sayings go a bird raised by a broody is more likely to go broody.


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Now on to the next pen:

Not sure how this picture didn't delete from my previous post, but I figured that one was getting big so I'd make one for each of the pens.
This female is younger than Iris and hasn't started laying yet. She is good for a breeder to meet the aims that I have -- Backlighting doesn't show it but her neck hackles have that warm hue. - She's pretty flighty, ready to high-tail it behind the coop inside that little enclosure.
Behind her is BB Robinson - little brother of Bart. More and more I'm thinking I will use BB to breed as he matures because he 1. has more saturation, 2. has a lower tail angle, 3. is developing a nice duckwing stripe -- and his wing triangle is that sunset-peach color -- and he has nice straight comb etc.

Bad angle, bad shot - but this is 'Sweetheart' -- for some reason I plucked her from this pen and put her in a pet carrier for observation -- then liked having her around at easy reach -- I kept her away from the others for 'too long' -- and would have to reintroduce her -- so I waited for a day when I was removing two other pullets from this pen - so things would mix up a bit when Sweetheart rejoined them. Because she has a nice disposition, even though she doesn't show the flaxen/cream/straw color in her neck hackles, I will probably hatch eggs from her.
A more true color image in that pen -- with the third female who won't be in te breeding program....... that funky attachment for the waterer blocks BB's face, but you can see he has a nice straight comb and white earlobes. A bit better view of the 'shy one' with the cream colored hackles.

Here are all 4 of them in this pen -- Sweetheart on the left, shy one in the center and non-breeder on the right for the females and a nice view of long sloped back and low tail angle for BB Robinson -- the more I check him out, the more I like him.
The 'beauty shot' for BB Check out his duckwing stripe and wing-triangle with that indication that he is gold underneath his lavender dilution........-- we are talking about the females -- so back to 'Ladies Day' to finish up that pen and
Here's Sweetheart again. This pen should come into lay in about a week or two.
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