Lavender X Buff Orpington cross



9 Years
Aug 11, 2014
Kaufman, Texas
I have the original thread in the hatching eggs section. It would be more appropriate to move it here. Here is the original link which gives a start of where I've been with these baby chicks.

I've looked online and not seen much out there on this cross. I am going to upload images to share with the public.

Here are images of one I took last night at almost 4 weeks old. I think he is a cockrel, but would like your opinion. His tail is solid black.





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I have the original thread in the hatching eggs section. It would be more appropriate to move it here. Here is the original link which gives a start of where I've been with these baby chicks.

I've looked online and not seen much out there on this cross. I am going to upload images to share with the public.

Here are images of one I took last night at almost 4 weeks old. I think he is a cockrel, but would like your opinion. His tail is solid black.






Looks as if Roo- but I noticed hens can come in with combs early on Orps. - forgot how old are they now?
Im waiting for my Bo hens to go broody but just nothing :/. Also im doing the same cross as you.
Im waiting for my Bo hens to go broody but just nothing :/. Also im doing the same cross as you.

I was waiting for the same thing. My hens will be a year old next month. 4 out of the 8 are now broody. 1 went a few weeks ago and the others within the last week. I ordered some lavender Orpington eggs, which are under one of the hens. The others I put some partially incubated Muscovy eggs. I have some chocolate orpington hatching eggs to arrive tomorrow. I hope to put them under the 4th.

The voices in my head keep saying, "get more chickens" :p
Yea I'm thinking roo - voices can be dangerous beware- chicken math with creep in like a vengeance if you let it lol

Vengeance... :/

I see where this could be a real problem. Especially with those who have broody hens. It's like... You got to stick something under her to hatch! How many of us have clutter in our houses? If there is an empty shelf it doesn't feel right.

Thankfully someone bought most of my chicks on Craigslist. She is a breeder and wanting to work with the Orpington colors. She just bought a chocolate pair at an auction. Mine look like they have dark chocolate but don't have any idea in terms of genes. I've seen the color charts but I don't see where it has held true to my own situation. Hope my pictures will help.

Since buff carries various possibilities, maybe chocolate is in the genes?

I do like this chick from the last images. He's a sweetheart... I think he is a roo too. :jumpy
So excited my Red Cochin/LAV cross just had a LAV chick hatch- first set I tried only 2 hatched and they came out black which I know I can get splits and LAV from a Split parent but I wasn't for sure he had the LAV gene- the little LAV chick popping out from under momma confirmed it- momma has 6 more to go and I have 12 in a incubator the to go on lock down in few days- I'm super stoked to see how these turn out-

I'm hoping for some feather feet ones from the Cochin and not all roosters then I'm stuck

Will post pics when they've all hatched - and I can keep you posted on progress as well,with the red I've added to it -

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