Laws regarding poultry theft or harm?

Get a surveyor to establish the property lines ASAP and build a fence. Cameras are great idea, as well.

Do you think going over to the neighbor and saying you got off on the wrong foot would help? Explain that you'll hire a surveyor to determine the lot lines so no one has to guess who's on who's property.

We will never be on friendly terms with our neighbors, unfortunately. We bought the property from them and it ended in lawyers having to get involved when they wouldn't abide by the purchase and sale agreement. It's no good to start off in a bad place. I'm sorry you're going through this.
Well we were friendly towards them initially, the owner seemed neutral, his three kids keeps to themselves at first, but the owner’s mother was hostile from the start, when my dad first walked up to meet them when they moved here, out of nowhere she told him that she was going to put in a pig farm and there wasn’t anything we could do about it, and then she went on a rant about how she was going to slaughter her grandkid’s cow “they had a cow at the time.” After that they bought the kids motorcycles and some days they ride from 8am to nightfall up and down all of our mane road.

I wasn’t there to witness that but all things considered I don’t think she’s reasonable, we’ve never had issue with livestock, this is a rural area, so there’s no logic behind her moving here and assuming people she doesn’t know would take issue with it and also use it as a threat.
Hearing how she screams at her grandchildren most of the day and their dad just tolerates it, she’s the one running the show up there.
@Goosebaby, what county are you in? Boundary disputes are county enforceable. I'd contact the county assessor. I'd call them every day.

Here in Nevada County, the courts offer a mediation service. We are working with them right now as our new neighbors have put up a fence along our easement that makes our driveway too narrow for the passage of any large vehicles - including emergency vehicles. Easements are a civil matter. Property lines are absolutely enfirceableby the county.

We also have an ag department here that deals with livestock laws.

And absolutely get cameras. And document everything. And call the county whenever your neighbor does anything.
I’m over here in Yuba, and thank you for the information!
It's a crime in every state.

As for them messing with your birds that can fall under property laws or livestock laws if your state has them. The problem with either to prosecute them is you have to pretty much have photos or videos of them performing the crime. Otherwise it's just your word against their's.

OP in cali so I looked up the marker moving

Under Section 605 of the California Penal Code it is a misdemeanor to intentionally remove or destroy a permanent survey marker. Removal or destruction of survey markers should be reported to the County Sheriff's office, or to the appropriate police department if it was done within one of the four incorporated cities. If the monument is removed by a professional land surveyor or civil engineer, you may also file a complaint with the State of California Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors at (916) 263-2251, or at the Board's website,

Found this about stealing or harming animals

§ 487g. Animals; stealing, taking or defrauding another; commercial use; offense; punishment

Every person who steals or maliciously takes or carries away any animal of another for purposes of sale, medical research, slaughter, or other commercial use, or who knowingly, by any false representation or pretense, defrauds another person of any animal for purposes of sale, medical research, slaughter, or other commercial use is guilty of a public offense punishable by imprisonment in a county jail not exceeding one year or in the state prison.

***I'm not a lawyer so do your research for your own local laws. Might be something more detailed i missed with my 2 second google search.***
Thank you!!!
Well we were friendly towards them initially, the owner seemed neutral, his three kids keeps to themselves at first, but the owner’s mother was hostile from the start, when my dad first walked up to meet them when they moved here, out of nowhere she told him that she was going to put in a pig farm and there wasn’t anything we could do about it, and then she went on a rant about how she was going to slaughter her grandkid’s cow “they had a cow at the time.” After that they bought the kids motorcycles and some days they ride from 8am to nightfall up and down all of our mane road.

I wasn’t there to witness that but all things considered I don’t think she’s reasonable, we’ve never had issue with livestock, this is a rural area, so there’s no logic behind her moving here and assuming people she doesn’t know would take issue with it and also use it as a threat.
Hearing how she screams at her grandchildren most of the day and their dad just tolerates it, she’s the one running the show up there.

It's really hard to deal with unreasonable people because the usual tactics don't work.

If it were me, I'd approach them and tell them I'm hiring a land surveyor just in case *I* was misunderstanding the property lines. Then I'd ask if they'd be willing to hold off clearing any more trees until the survey comes back. My husband wouldn't approach it this way, but I'm more comfortable trying to avoid conflict than fight. Once the land survey comes back, it's black and white.

Their beef should be with the previous owner and not your family, but again, unreasonable people don't tend to look at things in a typical way.

I wish you good luck!
I talked to my mom just now, she said she called the county yesterday but they said they wouldn’t mediate and that we should hire a surveyor, she’s calling them back today, surveyors are booked up for the next few months “the ones she’s called so far,” so this may take awhile.
A friend offered to contact a surveyor he knows, hopefully that works out.

I think part of the issue is this map, I found this yesterday. I think this is the reason that the new neighbors don’t want to look at the parcel maps or the county survey map, they’d like to go with this one because it shows them having more land than they do on multiple boundaries, us and with other neighbors.

This map is user submitted, I’d like to know who the user was because the roads are all in different places than they are, and there’s an entire road that doesn’t even exist “Wheeler lane.”
For reference our property is directly to the left of the property marked “alks billiards” is our neighbor (M) the property line that’s contested is the one between our property and the one below us “it’s higher up the hill, but sitting southerly, it shows the property line running down our driveway, that isn’t accurate. The switchback up two the neighbor’s property to the south of alks billiards is actually on alks billiards property “easement” it isn’t on the property it shows, so (M) is now missing land to the new neighbors according to this also.
Sharon valley trail is in a completely different spot as it is also. There’s an entire road that doesn’t even exist to start with 😂

So if the new neighbors are claiming this as their plot map, that would be laughable, and they’re opening themselves up to disputed property lines with multiple neighbors.


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It's a crime in every state.
Well we were friendly towards them initially, the owner seemed neutral, his three kids keeps to themselves at first, but the owner’s mother was hostile from the start, when my dad first walked up to meet them when they moved here, out of nowhere she told him that she was going to put in a pig farm and there wasn’t anything we could do about it, and then she went on a rant about how she was going to slaughter her grandkid’s cow “they had a cow at the time.” After that they bought the kids motorcycles and some days they ride from 8am to nightfall up and down all of our mane road.

I wasn’t there to witness that but all things considered I don’t think she’s reasonable, we’ve never had issue with livestock, this is a rural area, so there’s no logic behind her moving here and assuming people she doesn’t know would take issue with it and also use it as a threat.
Hearing how she screams at her grandchildren most of the day and their dad just tolerates it, she’s the one running the show up there.

I live in a fairly rural area, most lots are 10+ acres, a lot are 20+. The whole area has had a huge influx of people from areas with different values and etiquette. Locals have become a lot less friendly.

Might be they had some negative interactions. But from your description it sounds like she has some issues. She may have untreated or untreatable Oppositional defiance disorder or some kind of borderline personality disorder.

Good luck to you and I hope it turns out ok
I live in a fairly rural area, most lots are 10+ acres, a lot are 20+. The whole area has had a huge influx of people from areas with different values and etiquette. Locals have become a lot less friendly.

Might be they had some negative interactions. But from your description it sounds like she has some issues. She may have untreated or untreatable Oppositional defiance disorder or some kind of borderline personality disorder.

Good luck to you and I hope it turns out ok
Thank you. I’m hoping they back off tonight at the least. I need sleep.
I live in a fairly rural area, most lots are 10+ acres, a lot are 20+. The whole area has had a huge influx of people from areas with different values and etiquette. Locals have become a lot less friendly.

Might be they had some negative interactions. But from your description it sounds like she has some issues. She may have untreated or untreatable Oppositional defiance disorder or some kind of borderline personality disorder.

Good luck to you and I hope it turns out ok
We neighbors, too? This is what's happened here, too.

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