Laws regarding poultry theft or harm?

I'm sorry for you and your parents. I hope it's not hard on them.
My grandparents have evil neighbors. Whenever the neighbors do something they get so stressed. It worries me, they're not young, and when they get so worried their voices tremble...
It’s sad how many horrible people prey on the vulnerable.
I talked to my mom just now, she said she called the county yesterday but they said they wouldn’t mediate and that we should hire a surveyor, she’s calling them back today, surveyors are booked up for the next few months “the ones she’s called so far,” so this may take awhile.
A friend offered to contact a surveyor he knows, hopefully that works out.

I think part of the issue is this map, I found this yesterday. I think this is the reason that the new neighbors don’t want to look at the parcel maps or the county survey map, they’d like to go with this one because it shows them having more land than they do on multiple boundaries, us and with other neighbors.

This map is user submitted, I’d like to know who the user was because the roads are all in different places than they are, and there’s an entire road that doesn’t even exist “Wheeler lane.”
For reference our property is directly to the left of the property marked “alks billiards” is our neighbor (M) the property line that’s contested is the one between our property and the one below us “it’s higher up the hill, but sitting southerly, it shows the property line running down our driveway, that isn’t accurate. The switchback up two the neighbor’s property to the south of alks billiards is actually on alks billiards property “easement” it isn’t on the property it shows, so (M) is now missing land to the new neighbors according to this also.
Sharon valley trail is in a completely different spot as it is also. There’s an entire road that doesn’t even exist to start with 😂

So if the new neighbors are claiming this as their plot map, that would be laughable, and they’re opening themselves up to disputed property lines with multiple neighbors.
This map is far from legal. It's only Google's version of what might be property lines. For a real true map, one that can be used, you must go to your town. On a lot of towns' websites, you can find your map that you can print. At your town office, they should have a large copy (that stays there, but you can take a picture of it) of your map. That is the tax map you are looking for. This map should tell you measurements of each line of your property (including road frontage) and directons according to North, South, etc. (A surveyor would be using those directions.) If you know where your pins are, you can do your own measuring, though it doesn't stand up anywhere, including with your neighbors. Only a surveyor's word and measurements will get you somewhere.

I've been having a similar property dispute. I just moved next door to my Mom into my first home. Things went well until my next door neighbor on the other side of me claimed my brother was on his land, when my brother wasn't even close. He started claiming his property pin was the water pin up by my house- that was at least 100 ft of my road frontage that he was claiming! We went to the landlord (I'm renting to own) and my landlord hired a surveyor to come, which was to be in a few weeks.
The surveyor finally came, and my Mom warned the surveyor about the neighbor. So the surveyor heavily marked my line on that side, and hammered the 4ft corner pin down so it wasn't easily seen. Sometime in the same day after the surveyor left, my next door neighbor tore down all the markers up to where he was claiming, but thankfully he didn't see that corner pin. My Mom called the police and the landlord. The police came, but my neighbor eluded him.
The landlord was able to get the surveyor to come back the next day, and the landlord met with the surveyor. This time, the surveyor blazed the line. Sometime later in the same day, behold, my neighbor stuck again! Only this time, he stole the corner stake that was by the corner pin, and left the markers. He left a note for us (where the stake had been) that my landlord had sent him several weeks ago. My neighbor used permeant marker to make it look like he had just got it (crossed out the date) and tried making it look like the surveyor hadn't come yet. Again my Mom called the police and the landlord.
The police was able to meet up with him this time and handed him a trespassing notice. The neighbor told the police officer to get off of his property and the police officer reminded him that it's the landlord's property (my neighbor is just renting). My landlord has asked the police to investigate my neighbor and has threatened the evict him if he continues giving trouble. The landlord has also told us to call the police on anything further. Thankfully I've had no further major troubles, and he's even put his No Trespassing signs on his property, not mine. (You have the right to put No Trespassing signs on your property line, and I suggest you do! It could help in the long run, and get evidence that those are there just in case your neighbors take them down. I've seen some people put them high out of reach.)

Basically, you want a paper trail. On anything (them going after your property lines, threatening you while you're on your property, etc.) you want to be calling the police. You want a paper trail (police records and other official documents) showing what's going on, especially if you ever have to go to court against them. As my landlord's grandson (who's taking over for my current landlord) told me and my Mom, it's better to not deal with them personally. No talking anything further, or arguing. It'll get you nowhere. Go straight to the police, and let them deal with them. If it's any help, take pictures of your lines, and what's supposed to be on your lines. (Trees for example, you had mentioned them going after yours. If the trees are on the line, they're allowed to cut them, but they are to split the trees' profit with you. Take notable record of those trees though.)

You want to get a surveyor in as soon as possible. If they're all saying months, go with the soonest and schedule. On all of them, ask to be put on a cancellation list. WARNING: Some surveyors won't come if they know that your neighbor is trouble and/or dangerous. Once the surveyor comes, it'll be documented, and you might want to have some type of documentation from the surveyor should you need to call the police. Again, if your neighbor should give further trouble, don't deal with them personally! Go straight to the police!

I hope this has been helpful. Best of luck!
This map is far from legal. It's only Google's version of what might be property lines. For a real true map, one that can be used, you must go to your town. On a lot of towns' websites, you can find your map that you can print. At your town office, they should have a large copy (that stays there, but you can take a picture of it) of your map. That is the tax map you are looking for. This map should tell you measurements of each line of your property (including road frontage) and directons according to North, South, etc. (A surveyor would be using those directions.) If you know where your pins are, you can do your own measuring, though it doesn't stand up anywhere, including with your neighbors. Only a surveyor's word and measurements will get you somewhere.

I've been having a similar property dispute. I just moved next door to my Mom into my first home. Things went well until my next door neighbor on the other side of me claimed my brother was on his land, when my brother wasn't even close. He started claiming his property pin was the water pin up by my house- that was at least 100 ft of my road frontage that he was claiming! We went to the landlord (I'm renting to own) and my landlord hired a surveyor to come, which was to be in a few weeks.
The surveyor finally came, and my Mom warned the surveyor about the neighbor. So the surveyor heavily marked my line on that side, and hammered the 4ft corner pin down so it wasn't easily seen. Sometime in the same day after the surveyor left, my next door neighbor tore down all the markers up to where he was claiming, but thankfully he didn't see that corner pin. My Mom called the police and the landlord. The police came, but my neighbor eluded him.
The landlord was able to get the surveyor to come back the next day, and the landlord met with the surveyor. This time, the surveyor blazed the line. Sometime later in the same day, behold, my neighbor stuck again! Only this time, he stole the corner stake that was by the corner pin, and left the markers. He left a note for us (where the stake had been) that my landlord had sent him several weeks ago. My neighbor used permeant marker to make it look like he had just got it (crossed out the date) and tried making it look like the surveyor hadn't come yet. Again my Mom called the police and the landlord.
The police was able to meet up with him this time and handed him a trespassing notice. The neighbor told the police officer to get off of his property and the police officer reminded him that it's the landlord's property (my neighbor is just renting). My landlord has asked the police to investigate my neighbor and has threatened the evict him if he continues giving trouble. The landlord has also told us to call the police on anything further. Thankfully I've had no further major troubles, and he's even put his No Trespassing signs on his property, not mine. (You have the right to put No Trespassing signs on your property line, and I suggest you do! It could help in the long run, and get evidence that those are there just in case your neighbors take them down. I've seen some people put them high out of reach.)

Basically, you want a paper trail. On anything (them going after your property lines, threatening you while you're on your property, etc.) you want to be calling the police. You want a paper trail (police records and other official documents) showing what's going on, especially if you ever have to go to court against them. As my landlord's grandson (who's taking over for my current landlord) told me and my Mom, it's better to not deal with them personally. No talking anything further, or arguing. It'll get you nowhere. Go straight to the police, and let them deal with them. If it's any help, take pictures of your lines, and what's supposed to be on your lines. (Trees for example, you had mentioned them going after yours. If the trees are on the line, they're allowed to cut them, but they are to split the trees' profit with you. Take notable record of those trees though.)

You want to get a surveyor in as soon as possible. If they're all saying months, go with the soonest and schedule. On all of them, ask to be put on a cancellation list. WARNING: Some surveyors won't come if they know that your neighbor is trouble and/or dangerous. Once the surveyor comes, it'll be documented, and you might want to have some type of documentation from the surveyor should you need to call the police. Again, if your neighbor should give further trouble, don't deal with them personally! Go straight to the police!

I hope this has been helpful. Best of luck!
I’m sorry for the trouble you’re in! And thank you!

We have a surveyor coming on 12th, thankfully the wait isn’t to long. We have a plot map from when my parents purchased the property as well as their house plans from when they built the house with the measurements of how many feet each corner of the house is from the property line. Both maps the neighbors didn’t want to see. The surveyor is just coming out to confirm that the property markers arent where they should be and to re-establish the correct property line, if the neighbors have an issue with this we will have the police back over to deal with them.
As it is we haven’t had any contact with them since the incident when the mother of the land owner threatened us.
There were two odd incidences where I caught them sitting in a car at the end of our driveway, they were just sitting there for a few minutes, and later while rounding up my birds I noticed them (the dad and his children) pacing up and down part of the property line, when they noticed I was there they scurried off like kids caught getting into trouble. If they were just looking at the property line themselves it’s really weird to act like that, I can’t say they were up to anything, just weird behavior.
That was about a week ago and they’ve kept to themselves since.

The cameras we got to keep an eye on the birds arrived yesterday so my project for today is to get them set up.
I’m sorry for the trouble you’re in! And thank you!

We have a surveyor coming on 12th, thankfully the wait isn’t to long. We have a plot map from when my parents purchased the property as well as their house plans from when they built the house with the measurements of how many feet each corner of the house is from the property line. Both maps the neighbors didn’t want to see. The surveyor is just coming out to confirm that the property markers arent where they should be and to re-establish the correct property line, if the neighbors have an issue with this we will have the police back over to deal with them.
As it is we haven’t had any contact with them since the incident when the mother of the land owner threatened us.
There were two odd incidences where I caught them sitting in a car at the end of our driveway, they were just sitting there for a few minutes, and later while rounding up my birds I noticed them (the dad and his children) pacing up and down part of the property line, when they noticed I was there they scurried off like kids caught getting into trouble. If they were just looking at the property line themselves it’s really weird to act like that, I can’t say they were up to anything, just weird behavior.
That was about a week ago and they’ve kept to themselves since.

The cameras we got to keep an eye on the birds arrived yesterday so my project for today is to get them set up.
That's great you got the surveyor coming! Be there when they come to meet with them.

As long as they were on their property line, I'm not too concerned about that, but if things keep occurring, you can get a protection order on them for stalking. They have the right to ride by your house and walk around on their property, but if they start acting stalkingly, you might have a case. Because it's the whole family (different if all the children are all under the age of 18), and they're your next-door neighbors, I only suggest that if problems persist, and if you can get evidence (videos, written legal documentation) of them stalking you.

The cameras will be beneficial. You say to keep an eye on the birds; that is very good. On a side note, if possible try to make sure your cameras aren't pointing at your neighbors. I don't know if there are any rules concerning them; I just know I've seen in a lot of threads on BYC about neighbors and someone mentions something about cameras not pointing at neighbors or neighbors' cameras pointing at them. I'd put the "Camera in use/Smile you're on camera" signs up, but hide the camera from your neighbor's view (if possible) should they look to start trouble by claiming that it is pointing at them, even if it's not.
That's great you got the surveyor coming! Be there when they come to meet with them.

As long as they were on their property line, I'm not too concerned about that, but if things keep occurring, you can get a protection order on them for stalking. They have the right to ride by your house and walk around on their property, but if they start acting stalkingly, you might have a case. Because it's the whole family (different if all the children are all under the age of 18), and they're your next-door neighbors, I only suggest that if problems persist, and if you can get evidence (videos, written legal documentation) of them stalking you.

The cameras will be beneficial. You say to keep an eye on the birds; that is very good. On a side note, if possible try to make sure your cameras aren't pointing at your neighbors. I don't know if there are any rules concerning them; I just know I've seen in a lot of threads on BYC about neighbors and someone mentions something about cameras not pointing at neighbors or neighbors' cameras pointing at them. I'd put the "Camera in use/Smile you're on camera" signs up, but hide the camera from your neighbor's view (if possible) should they look to start trouble by claiming that it is pointing at them, even if it's not.
Except I wouldn't put any warning at all about the cameras or they may well decide to cover their identities
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Except I wouldn't put any warning at all about the cameras or they may well decide to cover their identities
Good point. I didn't think of that. The reason why I was suggesting the signs is because I see a lot of people putting up those signs (even if they don't even have cameras) to discourage trespassers, thieves, etc. from coming around. But you do have a very good point.

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