Layer feed in the winter?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Nov 5, 2013
Cedar City, UT
This is my first cold season with my chickens :) I was wondering...Do I still feed them the layer feed even though they have all stopped laying? I want to make sure they are healthy and ready to lay come spring!
Yup! I keep my girls and guys on layer year round.
I feed layer pellets year round as well. They don't stop laying completely. They just lay less if you don't have a light on them in the coop.
I have a total of 9 but only 4 lay the other 5 havent started yet (sorry I dont know the terminology yet lol) About 2 months ago the Ameraucana stopped laying (I know for sure since her eggs are greenish) but we were still getting 1 egg a day(buff orpington, I saw her lay) and every other day we would get 2 eggs(I figured my 2 barred rocks were taking turns), but now for the past 2 weeks they all stopped.
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Anyone ever hear of chickens refusing layer pellets? I have 11 and I've only seen them eat them on rare occasions.. Their feeder is never empty and even the plate of pellets I put out last week is still half full. They do like the scratch I got them instead, but not sure that's all I should be feeding them. Only one is laying, two other hens are of laying age but haven't stared yet. The others are either roos or little guys.
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its also my first winter for my 15 red stars... someone told me cracked corn is good to feed them as it helps keep them warm in the winter... any other suggestions for feed alternatives?
I have a total of 9 but only 4 lay the other 5 havent started yet (sorry I dont know the terminology yet lol) About 2 months ago the Ameraucana stopped laying (I know for sure since her eggs are greenish) but we were still getting 1 egg a day(buff orpington, I saw her lay) and every other day we would get 2 eggs(I figured my 2 barred rocks were taking turns), but now for the past 2 weeks they all stopped.
How old are the ones who haven't started laying yet? If they are under 16-18 weeks of age they should still be on grower feed.

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