Layer pellets

I mixed it and they ate all around the pellets. They are actually going to their coop to eat for the first time ever because there is old food in their feeder. I'll smash some up and see if that helps. I'm sure they will get the hang of it. If not, I'll just get the crumble. I don't care. I love those stinkin girls.

i have a question about layer pellets, i hope i don't sound dumb, but i just found a bunch of moths in the bag of pellets, what is that all about? is the food old? should i throw it out??
Chickens like moths,
but I would take it back and get a new bag. The feed store should do that with no problem. It must be older feed or a bad batch
LOL...I saw Hennie jump straight up once to grab a moth off a leave. She was very pleased with her treasure.

Update: I saw Hennie and Matilda eating pellets. I smashed some up and mixed them in so they were smaller pieces. Cadbury and Omelet still seem to be rebelling a bit, but I think they will come around since the other girls are starting to try it. They free range and have a ridiculous amount of grass to eat so they aren't going to totally starve. Bugs too, but less now that it's cooler.

Not all have made the switch, but the tray was nearly empty last night so they are working on it.

Hopefully I will have 4 converts by the end of the weekend. I may have to adjust the holes in their feeder in the coop to make sure the pellets will fall through. Hmm....

Mine hate the layer pellets too. They seem really big & hard. I tried to crush them up a bit for them and they wouldnt even crush down! I'm going to go get layer crunbles today. Switched to avoind all that dusty crumble waist but I see more pellets all over the ground that are waisted... off to the feed store.

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