laying egg out in run

Hummingbird Hollow

8 Years
Jul 1, 2011
Colorado mountains
Hi folks,

I have seven (once was eight:() young hens. The two barred plymouth rocks and twowhite plymouth rocks have been laying since October, the two Wellsummers since mid November and the singe Black Jersey Giant (once there were two
) just started laying in the last two weeks.

Usually all the days eggs (average 4) are laid in the same nest box, although the favored box can change from day to day. However, twice in the past two weeks I've found a single egg lying right outside in the run...not tucked away somewhere but in the middle of where most of the action takes place. I suspect the Black Jersey Giant, although I've never actually witnessed the laying.

Any ideas on why a hen would do this? Any ideas on what I could do to discourage her? The egg in question is usually laid after noon, so I'm reluctant to keep the entire flock cooped up until then.
i had an egg layed in the yard as well....2 times layed on the poop board...and one at the front door!....i am happy to report they are all laying in the nest box....
i just think sometimes when they first start to lay they arent comfortable going in the next box...or maybe took a few days to get the hang of where they should be!
give them some time...i bet it will all work out!
No, the egg seemed fine as far as the shell was concerned, although smaller than the other ones I've been getting recently, which is part of why I thought it was from the Black Jersey Giant, who hadn't been laying previously (to my knowledge) as they mature more slowly than the other breeds I have.
No, the egg seemed fine as far as the shell was concerned, although smaller than the other ones I've been getting recently, which is part of why I thought it was from the Black Jersey Giant, who hadn't been laying previously (to my knowledge) as they mature more slowly than the other breeds I have.

Aha! A new layer!! GOLDIES99 nailed it!
Do they have enough nestboxes? My chickens lay on the ground when there's not enough space up there to lay.

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