Laying hens less than 1 year old (Boulder CO)

I have 5 healthy, hatchery stock, laying hens for sale.$10 each.
I need to make room for this year's chicks. I have 2 Silver leghorns, 2 barred rocks, and one buff Orpington that are almost 11 months old and laying well and nice birds that are easy to handle.
I would like them to go together and won't sell less than 3 to a person. I want to make sure they have somewhat of a flock amongst themselves for security where ever they go. I have a couple EE'ers and more barred rocks I could sell if anyone wants more. I thought I would start with just a few and see how this goes.
These girls have been feed Ranchway organic feed all thier lives. I say this because I am not sure if they would be picky and not eat anything else.
I just want to be upfront with everything.
THese are great hens. I just need some room. I hope someone on this board can take them.
Thanks for reading this. Oh, I can take pictures tomorrow if you want to see them.

Hello! I am hoping your chickens are still for sale. After viewing some of the inquiries, I know my chances are slim! But I my coop is ready for chickens and I am hoping to fill it with girls that are already laying. If they are already sold, could you recommend another place to buy? Thank you!
Hello! I am hoping your chickens are still for sale. After viewing some of the inquiries, I know my chances are slim! But I my coop is ready for chickens and I am hoping to fill it with girls that are already laying. If they are already sold, could you recommend another place to buy? Thank you!
I haven't seen Mo around for a few years. Post is 8 years old.
I currently have pullets for sale. EE, BR and SLW. Most have started laying in the past 2 weeks.

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