Laying Muscovy?


7 Years
Jan 13, 2013
West Virginia
My Muscovy started laying 2 days ago. I've never had ducks so can someone explain to me how long it takes for them to go broody? From what I've read muscovies will lay up to 15 eggs and then set. I just don't know if I should leave her eggs in there to see if she's going to set on them or not.
I'm located in a subtropical region of Australia and our muscy started laying about 4 days ago. We inherited the ducks (duck and drake) and 4 chooks when we bought this house and moved in about a month ago, then I picked up 2 pekin ducks when I bought a new chook shed before Easter so like you I'm also on a steep learning curve! I think you're right re she'll lay then set. Good luck with it :)
I have not found there to be a set time, some do pretty early on.. for instance i had one go broody in Feb, we got 4 ducklings Mid-Mar from that adventure.

The others, i have curbed two.. provide a safe environment and wait. That is really all one can do. GL!
I noticed last night that she was on the nest for a while last night but she didn't stay once morning came. Will that affect the development if she sets on them later?

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