Laying only 13 months?


Jul 15, 2017
New Jersey
Good afternoon, I hope all is well. My three Rhode Island red chickens were laying perfectly for about 13 months. They suddenly slowed and then stopped. From what I understand this is all that they do lay. Suddenly one started laying again which I am very happy about. I don’t know why. Any suggestions as to why they may have stopped and one has started again?
Thank you!
Well I’d say they deserved a really nice rest. And they have to take one periodically or the calcium would be depleaded out of their bones and they wouldn't be able to walk after a while. So keep them well feed with oyster shell along side and just give them time to get their calcium reserves built back up then you’ll get eggs again.
How do their feathers look, are they getting kind of ragged looking, any bare patches, losing tail feathers? They may be going into a molt. Once their feathers come back nice and pretty they should start laying again. Do not give up on them. My 3-year old Buff Orpingtons are still laying pretty good and I have heard of hens much older than that still laying, but of course they do not lay as many as when they were younger.
Not at all unusual for fowl to take a break in their laying cycle - day light period, molting, age are all factors. The others will start laying also with perhaps even larger eggs but may not lay through next winter. Depending upon strain they may continue laying but at a reduced rate.

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