Lazy cowboys need not apply

Which part? The "gnarled, elderly men" or the "pressed-shirt totin'..."??

Those first three you listed "gnarled, weather-beaten elderly" are what's keeping me from appling. Hang fire girl I could iron a fresh shirt.
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You're a yankee...they dont want you..

But we do...
I went to their website .. looks like a neat place. Hey, if I could make my living taking folks out trail riding and telling them about local lore .. I would .. AND I wouldn't care if you called me a dude-ranch promoter.

Few people pay to go to those places and expect to see tobacco spittin', dirty old cowboys branding hollering calves that are crappin' all over themselves (the calves, not the cowboys) . They want to ride the pretty horsey and look at the pretty scenery and flirt with the hired help.

I think very few city folk would find TRUE farm and ranch work very attractive .. oh, and the SMELL ...
Hard to imagine a true cowboy (or even just a good seasoned horse-man) that would go anywhere without his dog.

And I think texasgal is spot on -- few city-folk can appreciate the HARD work that takes place on a true farm/ranch.
Sure, this is out of context, but I have seen that...who can blame them?

They want to ride the pretty horsey and look at the pretty scenery and flirt with the hired help.

And drink. You forgot drink.​

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