Lazy hens?


6 Years
Jul 9, 2013
We are new chicken owners, and we have a mixed flock of 16 birds. They all wake up by 6 in the morning to get out and forage. However, there are four of the birds (three Cochins and one Polish) that seem to sleep in until at least 9:00 in the morning. They act normal during the day, and have not begun laying yet, although the breeder said that they were already laying. We have had them for about two weeks. Is this normal behavior?
If they were mine, I'd just leave them alone. It's hard to say what's going on with them, after such a huge change. Different chickens assimilate into a new environment at different rates.
Not too mention that Cochins and Polish aren't the most active foragers. Or layers. If you've just gotten them, they need to get used to their new home, routine and house mates.
If you have a rooster, that could be another reason they're hanging out on the roost. I agree though, I'd leave them to work it out on their own. They'll come down when they need food and water and feel safe. Good luck.

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