Lazy Peachick

I also like L-glutamine and B. subtilis for bringing them back from the stress of illness. Any thoughts?

What great ideas! I know @q8peafowl has faced some challenges obtaining meds and supplies due to the fact that he is in Kuwait, so things aren't necessarily packaged with the same names or in the same formulations as here in the U.S. But he has managed to find an impressive amount of stuff

I bet if we give him formal names and photographs of examples of packaging, he can take them to the various stores he uses and discuss it with them. I know he also had trouble finding catheters for tube feeding and ended up melting the ends of plastic tubing. I'm sure that somewhere in Kuwait, there must be catheters for use either on people or on livestock (I found mine at a vet supply store being sold for catheterizing goats) but it may not be easy to communicate with the various stores what it is that he is looking for.

So much of what we are doing is using stuff that is sold for other uses and converted for peas... it's not easy even here! I had a heckuva time at the vet supply place over the goat catheters. And I wrote about getting the metronizadole from a store where the sales guy thought it was needed for peacock.... cichlids
Who knew?

q8, if you still can't find catheters, we can surely mail you some, and would be glad to do so. I think Kathy also has put up links to gettting them online.
L-glutamine helps to repair mucous membranes, i.e. intestinal lining. Not sure how it does this but it has been shown to be effective.

B. subtilis or Bacillus subtilis is a probiotic which has been shown to be more effective against coccidia than coccidiocidal drugs.
Milk thistle is the seed of the milk thistle. This is a plant also known as Silymarin which has been shown to bring liver enzyme levels down.

I seriously get everything off of ebay. Can you get stuff from ebay in Kuwait? If not, I don't mind ordering for you and shipping to you.
Milk thistle is the seed of the milk thistle. This is a plant also known as Silymarin which has been shown to bring liver enzyme levels down.

I seriously get everything off of ebay. Can you get stuff from ebay in Kuwait? If not, I don't mind ordering for you and shipping to you.

Me too.... I get everything online, often from Amazon, or from whatever supplier has a good price. I
internet!!!! There's a bunch of pet/livestock suppliers that ship directly and quickly. I use ebay sometimes, but not as much as I used to.

I think all three of those supplements could also be found here in a health food store. I'm not sure how things are organized in stores there in Kuwait though. If Othman needs this stuff, I can probably get all of it locally and launch a package within a day. Not sure about shipping times. But if it's local in stores there, that would likely be quickest.

What other probiotics do you recommend? I think it is so important after antibiotics...
@q8peafowl , I must say that you have done a fabulous job in getting the proper meds for your bird and that you should be proud of the care you're able to give all your birds...


I couldn't agree more
you have definitely gone the extra mile with these little guys. GREAT JOB!!!!

I am hoping that with you giving continued supportive therapy (fluids and tube feeding) while the meds do their work, maybe the sickest one will pull through. If those are his poops, then they are improving (somebody in that pen is making better poo), so it may just be a matter of time and getting him the fluids and nutrition he needs to survive while the medication gradually eradicates whatever the problem was, and his body heals from the damage that was done.

I'm really impressed you figured out the tube feeding so well.
That may well turn out to have been an extremely important component in keeping your birds alive.

Are the other birds that these birds were originally with still doing okay? No lethargy? I am still worrying a bit as to how many birds may have had whatever this was... How scary for you. So glad you were paying careful attention and noticed the bird was off in his activity level.
Oh, thank you for both you, i have learned many great things from you in this experience, really! Now i know which should be used for each disease, learnt how to do tube feeding and many many great things, other birds are doing fine outside, they play and jumps all the time, and have wormed them Yesterday.
What great ideas! I know @q8peafowl has faced some challenges obtaining meds and supplies due to the fact that he is in Kuwait, so things aren't necessarily packaged with the same names or in the same formulations as here in the U.S. But he has managed to find an impressive amount of stuff

I bet if we give him formal names and photographs of examples of packaging, he can take them to the various stores he uses and discuss it with them. I know he also had trouble finding catheters for tube feeding and ended up melting the ends of plastic tubing. I'm sure that somewhere in Kuwait, there must be catheters for use either on people or on livestock (I found mine at a vet supply store being sold for catheterizing goats) but it may not be easy to communicate with the various stores what it is that he is looking for.

So much of what we are doing is using stuff that is sold for other uses and converted for peas... it's not easy even here! I had a heckuva time at the vet supply place over the goat catheters. And I wrote about getting the metronizadole from a store where the sales guy thought it was needed for peacock.... cichlids
Who knew?

q8, if you still can't find catheters, we can surely mail you some, and would be glad to do so. I think Kathy also has put up links to gettting them online.

Milk thistle is the seed of the milk thistle. This is a plant also known as Silymarin which has been shown to bring liver enzyme levels down.

I seriously get everything off of ebay. Can you get stuff from ebay in Kuwait? If not, I don't mind ordering for you and shipping to you.
Thank you for that, i can order from ebay many suppliers ships internationally, have ordered few things before, most meds can be found in Kuwait, but not the tube i have visited most of the stores but they don't sells them, most of these stores are in the same place.
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