Leaking drip cups-help


Flock Mistress
Premium Feather Member
15 Years
Sep 6, 2007
Corydon, Indiana
I got these at twincitiespoultry. But I'm having trouble with the water continuously dripping over the edge of the cup. What am I doing wrong?

How much water pressure is on the cups? I believe that matters. Too much pressure will leak through the output not the threads.

That is the case with the pendant nipples.

Those cups are attached about 2 .5 inches from the bottom of a 5 gallon "paint/contractor's" bucket. I'm wondering if the cups need to be empty prior to filling it. They have a double wall and 2 little holes on the bottom so the cups fill up in between the walls first.
Now it seems like if I start with empty cups it doesn't leak over the edge. I left 2 empty and one full before I filled the bucket and the full one's drips were going over the edge. Hmmm.
I haven't used those cups before, it looks like they have hales on the front that let water in. Is there a float valve? or what keeps them from overflowing? If thy keep pouring water over the edge, you can replace them with the other low pressure waterer cups. They can handle the pressure of several 5 gallons buckets without leaking.
I haven't used those cups before, it looks like they have hales on the front that let water in. Is there a float valve? or what keeps them from overflowing? If thy keep pouring water over the edge, you can replace them with the other low pressure waterer cups. They can handle the pressure of several 5 gallons buckets without leaking.

BellevueOmlet: I'd really LOVE to know how to set up a system using these cups!! I've scoured the internet and can only find them for sale, no instructions on setting up a system. I have a 40' long building separated into 4 coops, so I'd like to install this along the back wall with stations in each coop. Sorry to hi-jack the thread, BTW!

You can set up one or several resevoirs that connect to a PVC line that goes to all coops. PM me and I can assist you with the design and installation.

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