Learning to ship eggs any one want some freebies?

The eggs were shipped to me from about 50 miles away in the same state. I would never violate a quarantine. There are no cases of virulent Newcastle’s within my state. The closest cases are over a thousand miles away.

Let me be clear about my friend. She is in the broad quarantine zone which covers ALL of the vastness of Los Angeles County. No birds have been id’d as careers where she is. The birds in LA County that were sick were about 40-50 miles from her. The vet that told her should could accept the eggs and hatch them was the very state vet in charge of dealing with the epidemic. That’s who she got permission from.

You’re not a vet and you’re not a lawyer either as far as I know. I think it’s great to calmly state your POV but all of the emojis you inserted are inappropriate for civil discourse.

And the not a vet part interests me because I have seen posts where you appear to dx people’s chicken illnesses and suggest courses of treatment. One could say that you are acting as an unlicensed vet which is patently illegal.

Appreciated that you commented, but let’s be clear. Your opinion is your opinion. Have a great day!
You’re not a vet and you’re not a lawyer either as far as I know. I think it’s great to calmly state your POV but all of the emojis you inserted are inappropriate for civil discourse.
Sorry you don't like the emoji's... it's one of my favorite parts of BYC and helps express my feelings more accurately than just cold hard black and white. What works for some may not work well for others and that's okay. I suppose if they're too much, you can either avoid reading my posts, ignore the emoji's and use your own inflection to make it less annoying, or flag and report them if they violate the rules. :confused:

You are correct I am NOT a veterinarian and do often help folks rule out or consider the symptoms they are facing and suggest courses of action to possibly help save MANY a birds' (or other animals') life, as many folks don't have the experience or ability to seek a vet. I often state that it's ALWAYS good to get a second or third opinion, and it's ALWAYS important for people to do what makes sense to them for THEIR flock. It's called brain storming, sharing our experiences, and being a caring community! Not practicing without a license. ;)

And yes, I sometimes question "authority"... just look at the sad state of affairs in the US. I was taught so many untrue things by authority figures throughout my life... and I hold EVERYTHING under suspicion, always seeking the truth even if I might not like it. Science and it's understanding has changed and it's important not to sit idly by when something isn't passing scrutiny or doesn't make sense...

FWIW... I did not point my finger at or accuse you of anything (like you've done just now). I just asked some questions out of sincere concern.

Best wishes for you, your flock, and your friend. Make it a great day, regardless of what comes your way! :highfive:
The eggs were shipped to me from about 50 miles away in the same state. I would never violate a quarantine. There are no cases of virulent Newcastle’s within my state. The closest cases are over a thousand miles away.

Let me be clear about my friend. She is in the broad quarantine zone which covers ALL of the vastness of Los Angeles County. No birds have been id’d as careers where she is. The birds in LA County that were sick were about 40-50 miles from her. The vet that told her should could accept the eggs and hatch them was the very state vet in charge of dealing with the epidemic. That’s who she got permission from.

You’re not a vet and you’re not a lawyer either as far as I know. I think it’s great to calmly state your POV but all of the emojis you inserted are inappropriate for civil discourse.

And the not a vet part interests me because I have seen posts where you appear to dx people’s chicken illnesses and suggest courses of treatment. One could say that you are acting as an unlicensed vet which is patently illegal.

Appreciated that you commented, but let’s be clear. Your opinion is your opinion. Have a great day!
I have found many members on this site, including EggSighted4Life, to be the best available source of information medical and legal concerning chickens. That is the purpose of BYC and why people join. The information you personally disagree with are regulations meant to protect our food supply. Just because your friend has chosen to ignore them does not change that fact. Many members here help try to diagnose chicken illnesses and suggest treatments because they are experienced and knowledgeable about such. I am a veterinarian and can tell you there is nothing wrong with that and that I and many others are very appreciative of it.

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