Leathargic Poult


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jun 29, 2009
I have a Royal Palm poult about 1 1/2 months old. They are basically free range with momma bringing them into the chicken coop at night. A few days ago a black snake got in and killed 3 poults eating one of them. Momma must have fought it some as she has some messed up neck feathers. My problem is this one little poult for the last few days has been lethargic, every time it stands still it seems to hunch up and go to sleep. Appetite seems good. This morning found this poult and another in the bottom of the wood crib huddled together. Brought them in and warmed them up. The second poult was fine in about 30 minutes or so but the first still looked bad. Kind of sunken around the eyes like you would if you hadn't slept for days.

Since the snake incident momma has refused to go back in the coop. It has been hot except for yesterday which was stormy. The little one has been inside all day wrapped in a towel. Appetite is good ate some hot dog. Have been using Nutra-drench at about a 50% percent strength. Although not happy about the taste the little one is drinking it.

My question.... could this be a turkey form of PTSD... or did "she" get chilled somewhere along the way and just hasn't had a chance to recover. She/it was keeping up with momma. I did use an organic spray for lice and mites on her this morning just in case. And removed several seed ticks I found under her wings. I have to go get some plain yoghurt as all I have at the moment it flavored which she does NOT like... LOL. I don't see any signs that the snake harmed her in any way. Her poop looks okay except for undigested seeds in it. No blood, and its soft so I don't think she is dehydrated. Any ideas?
Update.... Poult got loose and looked okay.... gave it plain water. Seemed to be cold so put it back in towel. Gave some Sulmet dissolved in cool water. The bird started drinking then acted like the water was causing a tummy ache. Tossed it's head several times and cried. At that time it passed what appeared to be water. It is resting quietly at the moment. Any ideas with what I am dealing with and how to help?
Further update. Poult has been passing what appears to be water with just a small amounts of urates in it. On closer inspection of the last stool there appeared to be either a couple of small worms in it. Or possibly they were lice as they were about the same length and dimension. Poult is still pretty lethargic but is attending to its grooming which I am hoping is a good sign.
It is doing a lot of peeping from time to time and seems to be interested in it's surroundings when it isn't sleeping. It does seems to be very thirsty. I am wondering if it is possible to give to much Sulmet water since the little one seems to be quite thirsty.

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