Leave eggs out or put in fridge?


10 Years
Jun 19, 2009
North of Dallas, TX
New to having chickens and now that some are laying was wondering about the different info on how to store them. What would be the benefit to leaving them out vs. in the fridge? I seem to have read to do both things. Also, may be giving some to friends and neighbors so should those be in the fridge? Thanks for the input!
I leave mine out, unwashed.

In the UK you know and other places too the eggs you buy in the stores are not refrigerated...they are sitting on the shelves in the dry area.

Never had an issue with them...done this all my life as did my grandma before me and before her as well. Back in the day they had no way of keeping eggs cool...and they survived

Just date them and use them in order of oldest first and should be fine.
I have been leaving them out and not washing them except if we need to but they are very clean. My Dh has cancer and drinks a shake/mix every morning and we put a raw egg in it for more protein so was not sure. How long can they stay out?
Just my two cents and how I see it. Eggs like all living things age. How fast they age depends on the temp of the environment the eggs are in. The cooler the environment the slower the egg will age.
I live in a very warm to downright nasty hot environment so I refrigerate my eggs as soon as I can, but that’s just what I like to do. In the winter time I don’t worry about it so much. If you are going to leave your eggs out and not refrigerate I would not wash them as washing them will remove the bloom that protects the egg and will cause faster ageing and increase the chance of bacteria entering the egg. If you do have to wash them I would give them a very light coating of oil to help protect them, but that is just me.
I have read studies where, if I can remember, they were saying they had eggs last up to 8 months and were still good to eat. Although, I think the researcher said he did not prefer them.
Eggs are incredible things and they can last a long time as long as they don’t get too hot or too cold. IT’s just going to come down to what you prefer. Put some in the fridge as soon as you can, leave some out. See what works for you. Do some research on eggs –There is a lot of information on the net- and then you’ll be able decide what will be best for you.
I wouldn't refrigerate mine, BUT:
1) force of habit---I was an uneducated suburban raised, NON-chicken owner for most of my life
2) I am ALWAYS collecting eggs while feeding other animals, putting things away, etc., and I never know if I've nicked an egg until later
3) My cats and dogs LOVE eggs and they'll steal them if I leave them on the counter!
My fridge went out once and my eggs went bad quickly. The eggs I don't refrigerate keep fine for 6 weeks or so, and I don't have to worry about them spoiling quickly if for some reason the fridge fails or they're left out accidentally.

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