Left leg band on to long-Any Ideas plz


9 Years
Mar 25, 2010
Eatonville, Washington
I have been busy(no excuse) the last few weeks and I had taken all the leg bands off the young ones except I missed one. Well I was sitting in the sun watching my birds and noticed a lavendar orp was limping. The foot/ankle was real big and it hit me!! Idiot, You forgot to get that leg band. It was so deep into the little bird. I got it off and tried my best to get an anticeptic ointment on it and wrap it good. Any suggestions at all? Right now I am having a hard time doing much as I had surgery on my wrist Monday last week and I am in a cast and a bit medicated too. Cant be moving around to much. I did what I felt I could do. Anyone think I should do more or what? Thanks!!

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