Leftover prime rib!


13 Years
Oct 7, 2011
Raymond, New Hampshire
My Coop
My Coop
I made the most perfect prime rib on Monday. There was some left over today...not enough for another meal. I decided to chop some up to see if the girls would like it. Well, I should have known! It is the first time that I have ever seen them chase each other for pieces of a treat! There are only two of them so they always share nicely.....but not today! It was every chicken for herself!
In a way, I'm glad they went for it. The temps are going to go down to about 10 degrees tonight and I wanted to make sure their bellies were very full before going to bed to help them stay warm. They don't sleep together on the roost. Roxie prefers a nesting box while Shirley prefers the roost.
Anyway, it was a delight to see them like a treat so much!
My chicks love the ocassional bits of beef or pork. Mine go crazy for it, just like you described. I've been banned from ever giving chicken to the chickens, and I abide by the ban in order to maintain peace.
I guess I do spoil them. I go out every morning at 3 am to wake them and turn their light on. They don't get to go out until I get home from work in the afternoon. I always come out to clean the coop with a treat in my hand when I get home from work. They always greet me with lots of clucks and bouncing off the door that lets them out. When I open the door, they practically stand on top of my feet looking for something to eat. Ha ha....It is so much fun. It's a nice time out for me when I get home from work.
Nice! I give mine leftover beef ribs. They clean the leftover meat off the bones, which then go to the dog. (If I just gave the bones to the dog with the leftover meat on them, he would insist on chewing on them in the middle of the living room rug, and it's REALLY hard to clean BBQ sauce of a white carpet... This way he still gets the bones to chew, but no sauce on the carpet.)

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