Leg bands- does anyone use them??

I used the velcro. Some hens keep them on and ignore them from the start. Some will pick at them 'till they are off, no matter how many times I try. As the girls fully mature I find I can tell them apart by combs, no two are exactly alike. I am afraid to try the zips because I free range and they get into some pretty rough weeds and bush.
I got the numbered bands from Randall Burkley Co this past spring. So far I like them really well. I have 10 Welsummer pullets and without the numbers I wouldn't be able to tell them apart at all.
My DH and I were just discussing this problem and had decided we would try to use the zips. I'm glad to see others have used them with success!
Ok the game is simple, it's called "Find Mrs.Nezbit"
Two if these chickens are the same and one is not.

Ready? GO!
Awww c'mon...it's hard sometimes when they are the same breed. I wish my 6 Buff Orps responded to names. It has taken me a month to learn to tell them apart by size and facial differences and I still have problems with 2 of them.
I use them on all of my birds, but I can tell them all apart other than 2 of the Buff Orpingtons. I put them on so that if I ask my husband to kill a meat bird, he won't kill the wrong one! All my roosters have red legbands, the hens of each breed each have a different colour, and all the meat birds have the same colour. They all live in separate coops (the breeds) but I don't want to come home to a pile of Cochin feathers one day. I'm going to have to move over to numbered ones soon though, or both.
Okay, thanks for the info but one more thing. Other than the obvious banding to tell similar looking birds apart, or the banding for meat birds, what are any other reasons you band. I am trying to develop a system for identifying future hatchings but wonder if I am really thinking it thru.

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