Leg injury completely numb from elbow down

She is worse today. Last night and this morning she was the same. Then when I got home today she had not moved from the same spot in the run. Luckily we had a nice sunny day today. I had to clean her off she had poo on her. She is really off balance. Not sure if the other leg is giving out or what. But she tries to stand and then starts to tip and just lays down. She still wants to eat and drink. She still has the will to live. I took the young rooster out and put her in the crate now. I put the food and water on the floor it was hanging but she can’t stand to reach it. What do you do for water when they are like this? I think I’ll have to change the water a lot when she tries to move the litter gets in when it’s on the floor.
I'm so sorry she has deteriorated but there is still hope as long as she is keen to eat. Sadly it is sounding more and more like Marek's.
If you make a wet mash by soaking her pellets or crumbles (chick crumbs are good because they are higher in protein) in water until they go to mush and mix in a little scrambled egg or yoghurt etc, then she will need very little extra water and then you can just offer it to her twice a day rather than leave water in with her. Alternatively you can make her a sling and clip the food and water pots to the front of the box. Slings can be make very simply.... see below
sling 2.png

The fabric needs to be adjusted so that her feet just touch the bottom and you can either try it like this where her vent overhangs the material or use a wider strip of fabric and cut a third hole under her vent for poop to drop through. It depends how stable she is in it. If you google "images of chicken slings" you will get other ideas. Give her time out of the sling each day to walk or crawl and encourage her by placing a special treat a short distance from her to tempt her to move towards it. A good quality poultry vitamin supplement is helpful if you are not already giving her one. You can add a few drops to her food or put them directly into her beak.
Good luck!
Thanks so much for the sling idea. I did google it and saw some tied to the top of crate like she is already in so I’m going to try that. I have a vitamin you add to water so I’ve been doing that. She drank a lot today but I had to hold her up to the water. So I think the sling will be good for her. So she can stand and eat and drink. I’ll have to figure out a way to put water and food up to her level in the sling.
Is it best to leave her outside or bring her inside? I have room in my basement. That’s usually where I put sick chickens. It’s getting cold here. Suppose to start snowing on Monday. But I thought in a crate in the coop she can still see the others and they see her. But will the cold effect her recovery? Tonight I put my little hen in with her that seems to always get picked on and tries to sleeps alone. So they are cuddled up next to other. In the morning I’ll let the little one out. But that way she has a companion at night to keep her warm.
So I made 2 different slings today and she managed to get out of both. And both times her one leg was still stuck in a hole just twisted in there. So I don’t know what to do. She might just break a leg now getting out because she has no feeling in it. I’ve been searching online and can’t find what I’m doing wrong with these slings. I spent hours on getting them hanging just right and she still gets out
So I made 2 different slings today and she managed to get out of both. And both times her one leg was still stuck in a hole just twisted in there. So I don’t know what to do. She might just break a leg now getting out because she has no feeling in it. I’ve been searching online and can’t find what I’m doing wrong with these slings. I spent hours on getting them hanging just right and she still gets out
I would not use a sling if she's not tolerating it, she can further injure the leg.
Just try crating her and see how that goes, some birds just can't stand a sling or confinement.
Update she is not better but not worse. Her 1 leg is still dead but the other leg she can move but does not hop on it anymore. Not sure if it’s just not strong anymore of what. She crawls with her wings and head and 1 good leg. She can sit up right to eat and drink. She still looks healthy in the face has a good appetite and drinks water. I managed to get her to stay in the sling for short times I put her in it for 1-2 hours daily. On nice days which are not so many lately I put her out in a cage while the others free range. At night I put my little sweet hen in with her to snuggle and keep warm. But during the day I let the little one out. I hoping she is like rebrascora’s and manages to re gain the feeling in her legs. She still has a willing to live and doesn’t look sick except not being about to walk or hop. She is in a crate in the coop and most the other chickens have been in the coop also since it’s been snowing. So she is still around the others
Update: this morning I went out and she was laying on her side I thought she was dead. She is still breathing but her eyes are closed. I think she is dying. She was eating and looked normal yesterday. I’m carrying her around. Her neck looks like in a weird position. She tried to stretch it and moves her 1 foot some. But her eyes hardly open. Im holding her till I have to go to work. She randomly stretches her neck and shakes it a bit. I’ll give her today and see how she is when I get home. But I’m guessing she is not going to make it.

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