Leg Mites & Conflicting Treatments

Someone on another thread mentioned mixing sevin dust in melted Vaseline, then using the cooled Vaseline on the legs. Could this be done using the elector or permethrin instead?
I have a large mixed flock of chickens, turkeys, ducks, and want to treat them all efficiently.
Someone on another thread mentioned mixing sevin dust in melted Vaseline, then using the cooled Vaseline on the legs. Could this be done using the elector or permethrin instead?
I have a large mixed flock of chickens, turkeys, ducks, and want to treat them all efficiently.
You could. But it would be far easier and lar less messy to mix Elector or liquid permethrin in water and do a ten minute leg soak. You might need to repeat in a week, but I've gotten by with a single soak in Elector.
Recently I read about gasoline and kerosene leg dipping as a leg mite cure. (No, it does not involved lighting the legs on fire.) This treatment actually kills the mites and eggs whereas castor oil and Vaseline merely smother the mites.

I'm not recommending gasoline as a treatment, although feel free to give it a try if it doesn't totally turn you off. What I do recommend to kill the mites with a residual to keep away the mites is spinosad. I use Elector PSP and mix a leg dip. I have had superb results. No egg withdrawal.
I believe elector IS spinosad? But I think its concentrated? I seem to remember reading about it when dealing with leg mites back in July. I ended up using the spinosad and vaseline for several weeks and my hens seem to be free of it. But it was so bad when I got the girls (from a not great place) they have permanently deformed scales. I heard that sometimes after a molt it gets better.
I didn't do the elector as it was very expensive.
Recently I read about gasoline and kerosene leg dipping as a leg mite cure. (No, it does not involved lighting the legs on fire.) This treatment actually kills the mites and eggs whereas castor oil and Vaseline merely smother the mites.

I'm not recommending gasoline as a treatment, although feel free to give it a try if it doesn't totally turn you off. What I do recommend to kill the mites with a residual to keep away the mites is spinosad. I use Elector PSP and mix a leg dip. I have had superb results. No egg withdrawal.
What concentration do you use of the elector PSP?
I like spinosad for the safety, but also for the quick, easy results. I've always had immediate results with only one treatment. The last time I treated for lice with Elector was two years ago, and the lice haven't recurred.

When I use it for scaly leg mites, I also only treat once, and the chicken feels immediate relief. How do I know? Leg mites are very uncomfortable and even painful. The chicken will shake their legs and peck at their feet. After treatment, they quit doing that.

To treat for leg mites, I mix up a warm soak with a half teaspoon of Elector and soak the legs and feet for ten minutes and don't rinse and let the legs air dry.
May I ask how much water you use to mix with the ½ tsp of elector psp for the soak? And do I need to mix up a new soak for each chicken, or is it effective enough to successfully do a flock of 5 chickens?

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