Leg problem


In the Brooder
Dec 29, 2015
Hey i got two ducklings they are about 4 weeks old , one of them has some kind of bow legged shape and its thighs getting slightly thicker,it started slowly and i really didnt see that comin ,whats his problem and is there any way to get back to normal?
I really love him pls help me
I remerbered when my ducklings begin getting fatter,they got huge thighs,and thick legs,it look funny,and they started limping.
Mostly lettuce ,cucumber ,rice
@duck9147 I am sorry to say your ducklings are not getting adequate nourishment. They need feed that is made for them, yes lettuce and cucumber is good but it isn't giving them the protein and other nutrients they need and they cannot live on just rice. What your seeing if they are bowlegged is a lack of Niacin in their diet Can you find Brewers yeast where you are? it can be sprinkled over their feed or plain niacin supplements at pharmacies. it has to be plain they need at least 125 mgs of niacin a day to have strong legs and healthy brains. And they need feed that is formulated for young poultry.if you can get Brewers yeast the ratio is 1 Tablespoon to 1 cup of feed.They need to be on this till 10 weeks old.
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No absolutely no medication at all.
Yea actually he is the chubby one it was my first guess but i dont know..
Sure Ill post a picture as fast as i can
I am sorry to say your ducklings are not getting adequate nourishment. They need feed that is made for them, yes lettuce and cucumber is good but it isn't giving them the protein and other nutrients they need and they cannot live on just rice. What your seeing if they are bowlegged is a lack of Niacin in their diet  Can you find Brewers yeast where you are? it can be sprinkled over their feed or plain niacin supplements at pharmacies. it has to be plain they need at least 125 mgs of niacin a day to have strong legs and healthy brains. And they need feed that is formulated for young poultry.if you can get Brewers yeast the ratio is 1 Tablespoon to 1 cup of feed.They need to be on this till 10 weeks old. 
thanx for reply , yea sure i can get this , kinda sad right now is he have to live forever like that?
Miss lydia is porbbaly right,I am no expert at ducks,but i do know that sometime s ducklings get fat and begin limping,and go threw odd changes.

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