Leg Weakness in 6-week old chicks


6 Years
Aug 12, 2013

I incubated and hatched three baby chicks in early July. Bantam Americauna-Cochin mix. One chick is just fine. Second chick developed leg weakness last week. He started favoring one leg (I thought it was an injury). By the next day, both legs would "give out" causing him to fall over. About then, second bird started limping on one foot. In another day, both of her legs were weak (although not as bad as other chick). They can sit and "stand" on their elbows, but cannot hold themselves upright or walk....they sort of flop around. They are eating and drinking and up until this started, they were able to run and walk perfectly. All three chicks have the same father, but there are two hens, so they may not have the same mother. It doesn't look like spraddle leg, but I can't rule it out. Could it be a vitamin deficiency? I have given them Cod Liver Oil for the past day. They were raised on Purina Chick Starter for the first month, now on Layena Crumbles. Any assistance is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
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It is too early to be on Layena crumbles...I would switch them back to chick starter or flockraiser. Layena has too much calcium - it is meant for hens that are laying eggs. I'd also try giving them some Poultry Drench vitamins in the beak. Good luck!
Thank you, Michelle. I will switch them back to "baby food" today. Do you think this will reverse the leg weakness? I am also getting some poultry drench. Just curious...why do you suppose the other chick is just fine and only these two were affected? On any event, I will put all three back on the chick starter feed. To my other chicken community friends..thanks for all the links...I'm doing my research.
I agree about the Layena, way too early and this actually makes thing look better for your birds. If mine, I would get a human Super B Complex vitamin and a regular chicken vitamin with or without electrolites. Your choice. Take the Super B Complex and either put a whole one into a 1 gallon waterer along with the regular vitamins or if you are using a smaller waterer, half a pill for a 1/2 gallons 1/4 for a quart. I would do this for 4 days and then see how they are doing. If it is a lack of vitamins and it does sound like it, adding the Super Bs should take care of it very quickly. Don't give medicated feed. Just a regular 15-16% grower feed is fine.

Is it possible for you to post a couple of pictures of these guys? There are other illnesses that can cause these symptoms as well. Rather than miss something, I'd really like to 'see'. Anything else you can add would be great as well. Sometimes things can be missed because someone didn't realise something else was a symptom. Not saying you did, just want to cover all the bases. We these chicks vaccinated with anything? Any respiratory symptoms at all? How about their poop? Normal? Lots of questions, lol, but they help me to 'see' what you are.
Hi Golden Feather.
I can post pix tomorrow (I'm not at home today). We got chick starter, plus electrolytes for their water, and poultry drench and put everyone on the regimen...even the one who doesn't have any problems. I can also get B vitamins...would that be too much on top of the other things...don't want to over-dose them? They were not vaccinated for anything...but were on medicated feed to start. I hatched them in the house and they have been living there since :) No respiratory problems; poop is normal--not watery or loose; no pasty butt. They eat and drink fine and are very alert and sort of active....they just can't walk. They can "sit" on their "elbows"...if you know what I mean...it seems like their lower legs aren't strong enough to hold them up. I'm hopeful this can be cured, it's been less than a week since the first symptoms, so maybe we got started on the cure early. Thanks, again, for your help!
Hi Golden Feather.
I can post pix tomorrow (I'm not at home today). We got chick starter, plus electrolytes for their water, and poultry drench and put everyone on the regimen...even the one who doesn't have any problems. I can also get B vitamins...would that be too much on top of the other things...don't want to over-dose them? They were not vaccinated for anything...but were on medicated feed to start. I hatched them in the house and they have been living there since :) No respiratory problems; poop is normal--not watery or loose; no pasty butt. They eat and drink fine and are very alert and sort of active....they just can't walk. They can "sit" on their "elbows"...if you know what I mean...it seems like their lower legs aren't strong enough to hold them up. I'm hopeful this can be cured, it's been less than a week since the first symptoms, so maybe we got started on the cure early. Thanks, again, for your help!
The Bs are water soluble and do not stay in the body for very long. For a few days time, it is very reasonable to add the extra Bs. The fat soluble vitamins like E, D.....these could and would be a problem if given for long periods of time. It's a funny thing, vitamin A can actually cause paralysis if given in too high a dose. Here's a link to a thread I started, but just haven't had the time to finish.

Some information here about deficiencies of vitamins and other diseases that can cause problems with legs and or parlysis. As I said, not finished but a few links to read.
I have one chick that just started the weak leg thing. she can walk fine but wobbles when she stops. is there any food I can give her that will supply the vit b as we are too far away from town. they go out in a protected run.near the big 1 year old chickens during the day and back in at nite time as I think 9c is a bit too cool for them yet. they are just about 6 weeks old. they have been going out in the outside spot for about a week now the other 2 are just fine.
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