Legalise Fox Hunting back in England. Yes or No?

Base decision to hunt Red Fox based impact Red Fox has on health of the ecosystem. The biologists of England should have a handle on how Red Fox impacts other species. Mounted riders with larger packs of hounds not likely acceptable in areas with high human habitation density which is where greatest control efforts needed. Hunters / trappers may need / be allowed financial incentive to actually carry out such efforts.
Over there, it's not about population control, much less chickens. It's about a bunch of rich toffs thinking they have divine right to ride across the commoners land and trash everything. Hunting over here is a whole different activity.
There's a huge difference between what's legal and what people actually do. When I was living outside Charlottesville, I got so sick of the fox hunters riding across my land wreaking havoc I went to the trouble of felling a large oak across their main path. That very weekend, they paid one of the locals to go out with a chainsaw and clear 'their' trail. Guess they didn't want to get their own hands dirty...
There's a huge difference between what's legal and what people actually do. When I was living outside Charlottesville, I got so sick of the fox hunters riding across my land wreaking havoc I went to the trouble of felling a large oak across their main path. That very weekend, they paid one of the locals to go out with a chainsaw and clear 'their' trail. Guess they didn't want to get their own hands dirty...

Are you in or from the UK?

We used to hunt fox but did not use horses even though we had them. Several neighbors participated enabling dogs free-range in chase over several square miles. it was not an actual hunt where fox was made use of after being taken, rather it was a control effort to protect small upland game and even free-range chickens. Entertainment was principle driver but we benefited none-the-less.

If (actually when) hunters went across our ground without permission we went out and challenged them, often on horseback ourselves. law enforcement was primarily as a backup because neighbors would sometimes help out. The horses can be tools of intimidation and I have had a mule used against me by a wacky-weed farmer some time ago. Unfortunately for the wacky-weed farmer I new my way around his mount better than he did. He was also tipsy.

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