Leghorn looks like rooster?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Sep 20, 2010
New York
Hi all,

I have a leghorn hen about 2 years old and she has spurs like a rooster! Her comb is large like a rooster...but she does lay eggs! Is this normal for this breed? Just curious about this. Very entertaining.
Lots and lots and lots of breeds have spurs on both sexes. The hens' are just slower growing.

My Exchequer Leghorn could kill you, if you messed with her.
Especially with leghorns. The ladies have huge combs; many chicken breed hens have spurs, too.

The only reason I didn't get freaked out by the size of my leghorn ladies' combs is the leghorn rooster has the biggest dang comb I have EVER seen on a chicken.
It's funny... I never really thought about it, or had a problem with the spurs and comb until my friends began to question me. They wanted to make sure I wasn't confused, and that "She" wasn't a "He"... like I wouldn't know because she was LAYING EGGS! LOL!

Thank you for the answers.

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