Leghorns - flighty??


In the Brooder
9 Years
Mar 16, 2010
Raleigh, NC
Are Leghorns typically pretty flighty? I have a brooder full of a mystery batch of 25 from MPC that were hatched on June 1. Five of them are white...I don't know if they are White Leghorns or White Rocks. Termperament-wise, they are the bravest and least flightly of the bunch. They are the first to come up and check out what is in my hand while the others are all running to the other end of the brooder whenever I open the top. They also sit quietly in my hand when I pick them up.

Just curious...
Sure! It'll be tonight though...any excuse to take more pictures of the babies!
Gotta love those variety packs, I have 14 chicks I haven't a clue what they are. Was supposed to have been 25, but they only sent me 24 and 10 died. Several of them have poofy do's on their heads, so I'm guessing Polish? Another 1 or 2 have greenish legs-EE's? A couple are pretty chuncky-Orps? From looking as some of the posts, I think I have a couple of Leghorns or the White Rocks. I guess I'll know better in a few weeks!
My white leghorns are very skittish I don't like them and when I'm done with these I will never have them again
I like my leghorns. They dont like to be held too much but arent mean and lay great eggs. They arent spastic, just dont wanna be picked up. I had one hen that walked up to me and wanted to be held. She's with a friend now and goes in the house and rides in the car

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