
I love my leghorn. She is blind in one eye from being pecked at the farm store as a chick. That is how I got her. They just gave her to me as not sellable and were glad I took her off their hands. As it turned out, I got the better part of the deal. She doesn't let me hold her, but she will stand on my feet while I feed her cheerios. She lays a huge egg every day, but the thing I like best about her is her Fabulous Floppy comb. Her head is always cocked to one side so she can see better out of her good eye and she has this wonderful jaunty look with her comb bobbing along with every step.
OK, I was looking through the digital pics we have, we have some good ones but we have a friend who has some really good ones of him as she has got a really nice camera; hopefully I will get some of her pics, tomorrow...for Memorial day, of course. I will post the best one(s) we can find as soon as I get them. Thanks all of you for your condolences...this is one of the hardest losses we've ever had among all of our pets. I know others on the site who can tell similar stories and feel just the same, and it's nice to have friends here who totally understand. Good luck with your Leghorns, if you get them...but whatever you get, I know you'll love them!
My brown leggerns Do not like to be handled,but they will come to you.
But i am lucky to have one of the nicest white leggerns around if you sit on a bucket outside thier hen house when i open the door she will come over to me and hop up on my knee and lightly peck at my hat,and she loves to be pet.
She will follow me all over the yard.Im glad i have atleast one nice bird! lol:)
We got six babies at 2 days old; now they are 5 weeks. Of the bunch, two are white leghorns. By FAR they were the quickest to mature. The first to jump, to fly, to venture out alone.

I can hold them but they are not as calm in my arms as the others. But they make up for that w/ a big personality!
Great for eggs, silly personalities, but my hens of that type are the most nervous flightly birds in the world. All the roosters have also turned out to be some of the most aggressive I've had too. They are very pretty white but as soon as rain hits, become yellow brown mud balls.
My Obelisk is a lunatic!!! She doesn't like to be held, except on her terms. She likes to go out in the worst weather, but she lays me pretty light pink eggs..
Jerry, my cockerel was really friendly, but he was hand raised and you could carry him all over the place. He's the only bird that I've had that I could trust to take food from my lips.
Hey, if anyone wants to see a picture of a handsome white leghorn roo, I posted Whitey's picture and some stories about him under a "Memorials" post a couple of days ago; let me know what you think! "Memorials" is under the "Social Side" on this site.

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