Lemon Blue Cochins


13 Years
Feb 21, 2009
Sandia Mountains, New Mexico
The couple of pictures that I have seen posted of the Lemon Blue Cochins have stuck me as a very pretty color combination. I am new to birds and was wondering what the make-up of this variety is. Blue as a recessive and Buff as dominant? Anyway, I'd be interested in learning more.
Dominant & recessive are only in relationship of the different alleles for the same gene--these terms do not apply to the relationship between entirely separate genes.

Di, ig & Cb are genes that dilute red pigment. Not sure which one is used (or more commonly used) for lemon blue.
Here are picture of my frizzle lemon blue cochin project. The hen is a little rough from being in the breeding pen and setting.

This little guy is a lemon blue frizzle cockerel - he's Fred the Second


This is one of my flat feathered hens who just moved to Connecticut.


I have flat feathered lemon blues but they are younger chicks and their hackle color is not showing much yet.
Does anyone know if Lemon Blue is an acceptable color for the shows? I want to show my pullet that I think is a Lemon Blue but I'm not sure if that is a color accepted by the judges. Would she be disqualified?
You can show even un-recogonized varieties within a breed. The bird cannot compete beyond best of variety though. this is what often stirs more interest in a variety and will lead to enough breeders working with them and seeking APA ABA acceptance so that they can be recognized. So long as you have good cochin size and type go for it, and get more flks interested.
Just for clarification... Lemon Blue is not what people post with a buff bird with a blue tail, that is simply a cross color. Lemon Blue as far as the standard goes is Blue bodied/tailed bird with lemon hackles; and wing bow, back, and saddle of male. they are a Crow-winged variety like Birchen, Brown Red, and Silver Blue. Just for clarification

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