Lemon Cuckoo Orpington Auction!

Once the girls are back in good shape will do on the photos..just lost a nice one last week from the massive heat, she was very large bird and massive in fluff, she just couldn't take all the heat and another i saved by bringing here inside and putting her under running cool water for awhile, she was like in shock never seen a chicken in my life do these things from the heat....of course we haven't had this kind of temps here from back in 1999 ish..
I just saw this post and haven't read through all the pages, but to me it looks like Lemon Cuckoo = Buff Barred. Anyone? Here's my "Lemon Cuckoo/Buff Barred" Cochin for comparison:

The Lemon Cuckoo is also called barred buffs by some in UK. that is a very nice cuckoo color
Hi everyone.

Thank you for standing up for me. I don't get to go online a lot. I started my auction low. I didn't know what to start them at or how much to charge. The auction gave me a base to list at. I am backed up on some orders I am collecting to fill right now. That's just the pre-paid orders.

GREEDY! It cost me a LOT of money, time, effort, sweat and tears getting these started.

I mean for no sympathy but my husband is not currently working. We hope this week. I just buried my dad the first of May. we had to wait a week for his funeral because of the Tennessee floods. It left me with a 7400.00 funeral bill to pay and the last year of emotional pain and agony watching him start to fail. He was my life! To boot all of this I get a diagnosis of Fibromyalgia. But I push, I make myself do what I do because I love these birds. Every single one! Including my special needs and common breeds. I was hospitalized last month from bleeding ulcers. I only lost my mom a year ago.

I'm sorry, you can talk to my friends on the board. I've not only been sick I have been severely depressed. The eggs have allowed us to keep things working like our electric, phone and water. I don't think a nasty letter is going to help. Think about just what the people are going thru or may be going thu before you do. (If you care). I only listed eggs when we needed money so bad. If things hadn't went south, no one would have ever known I had them except my closest friends. I would have given them eggs. Ask them also if I ever until now sold my eggs.

And I did get a negative email just after my dad passed away. Thank you so much for it.

Again Thank you all for being nice and understanding.
You made me feel so good in such miserable times.
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She is completely telling the truth I know her through MSN messenger and she has been through some rough times. Ive talked to her before and she hasn't sold any of her birds/ eggs to anyone unless she knows them personally until now. The first and foremost reason she has chickens is because she loves them.
Thank you. Just to calm any fears there has been 2 well named sellers/breeders come here to see my birds personally. And I have passed inspection.

This is Humphrey and Priscilla. He sits in my lap and tries to get to me anyway he can just to follow me. He's so sweet. Of course I have more than one hen. Priscilla was the only one laying. The others have started.




The really great pic's were taken with my daughters camera. I did forget to watermark those.
So they probably are all over the web.These are from my crappy cell.
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