Lemon Cuckoo Orpingtons

Oh no! Definitely? Every day I think something different.... But what do I know? I've never even been this close to a chicken ever! So.... Anyone want a spoiled lemon orp in NJ / Pa area?
The person I got my pair from explained to me (I'll probably get this wrong somehow) that the lighter colored where the bars are more easily seen are roos because they have two of the genes, and the pullets only have one of the genes, so the barring is not noticeable...they actually look like buffs. Is this a true way of sexing them? I probably misunderstood..I was so excited to get them.

This is my pair.

and the roo
I just had a Lemon chick hatch from my pure(?) Buff Orpingtons...it is apparently a recessive? This is the first I have had in 3 years of Buffs so I was surprised. If it turns out to be a pullet I have someone nearby with an extra Cukoo Lemon Orp roo. (fingers crossed)!

lovley chicken

i myself have a buff orpington which was fathered by a lemon cuckoo (she looks like a buff with barring gene)

i also have her sister who looks like a lemon cuckoo orp

and another pure lemon cuckoo orp

they are such great breeds to have

shame all 3 are pullets really wanted a roo
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Hi Blarneyeggs! Yes, he did start crowing. As did the other two lavender orpingtons I've got :(

When I got rid of the alpha male on saturday (he went to a friends farm), the other three gents woke up sunday morning and decided it was their turn. The two lavender orps are going to be processed next tuesday, but I hate to have that happen to CC too. There is a shred of hope with someone in Mi that might be able to take him.... so I'll wait and see for that. I was going to post him as free to a good home on Craigslist, but I have this fear that someone will take him for rooster fighting.... and really I'd rather have him culled if those are my only two options.

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