~Lenore the Cuckoo Marans~[Integration]~{17 weeks}

I am happy for you, but like I said in my other post, I'll bet your not remembering correctly; my four older breeds are supposed to be fast growing and fast matureing, and when I look back at their 12 week pic's I have to laugh because I thought they were full grown at the time

Its' good to hear that she is doing so well, are we still in the ball park for her being a banty or has she really, really taken off?
I'm still anxiously awaiting your pics of her

BTW, I'm sending you an e-mail on another subject - just a heads up

Nothing big, just a question for ya.

Grats on Lenore's growth spurt, I think you may need to look into a larger size feeder soon
I know the feeders are kind of small. Both chickens (big chickens and little chicken) have a quart sized water and feeder. Are there any down sides to this besides having to change it as much?
OK. So here it is. Lenore is 12 1/2 weeks old. She has had a growth spurt in the last 2 weeks. I found some pictures of the night I found her, when she was attacked. She was 8 1/2 weeks old then.

This is her once she was in the house. Rembember, almost 9 weeks old.

Her comb, probably a less than a minute after I found her.

Her scabby legs, after I found her. I don't have any pics of her wound on her butt, since it was dark, and so were her feathers, and using a camera phone of low quality doesnt really make it out.

Today. 12 and a half weeks. She's gotten bigger


Aahhh. That feels good.

I love this shot. She seems so bold.

But now she gets to be shy...

Just for fun, a pic of Fajita and Gordita.

And the eggs I USED to get out of em. Fajita's going through molt now, so I only get eggs from Gordita.

It's been a while since I've updated this. Hope you like the pics!
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Great pics!

I went back and found some 14 week pics of my Dominiques and it looks like she is right on track as compared to them.
Good to hear everything is going well now.
Keep the thread going
good stuff.
Lenore turns 13 weeks tomorrow. She has been sleeping in the coop, on the roost, with Fajita, the nicer of the two older ones. Gordita has been sleeping in the doghouse, in the coop.
Today I accidently slept in, and I feel sorry for all the chickens. Gordita, smooshed in the dog house, layed in the dog house, probably still on the roost, poor thing, the dog house is only big enough for sleeping. On top of that, Lenore was on the doghouse, scratching, pecking, etc. Poor Gordita. Lenore, poor girl, has been pecked around her eyes, and comb, leaving little red bumps. I wish I could've woken up earlier to stop this madness. Fajita was just lonely.
They are separated at the moment, usually when I'm home they free range together. Should I wait another 7 weeks, I feel as if I shouldn't stop, wait, and then start, I feel as if I should pull this all the way through. She is taller than Fajita, but weighs much less. Also, Fajita has a much stronger peck. Gordita is seperated, because she is the alpha, and pecks to kill.

Any ideas on intergrating?

During the weekends, and the evenings of weekdays, the chickens free range together. It is so strange that I can't call Lenore my baby chick anymore. She is a little shorter than Gordita, my EE, but since she hasn't reached sexual maturity, her hips are still very close together. Sadly I didn't get a good pic of her hips.
Until today, the chickens did fine together, more like ok actually. Every once and awhile there was chasing, and Lenore ran and ran, as if she were to be killed. Today, Gordita was VICIOUS! She grabbed on to all of Lenore's tail feathers and jerked, jerked, jerked. The combination between the jerking and Lenore trying to get away, really hurt poor Lenore. I put Gordita in the run, and had Fajita and Lenore free range. Fajita just laid down calmly, since her pin feathered feet have been bothering her. Fajita didn't seem to care when Lenore passed her, but Lenore ran across at the speed of lightening anyways.
I'm thinking that maybe I could start keeping Gordita in the little run or the coop during the day, and have Fajita and Lenore in the big run. The only problem with this, is I am afraid of what will happen while I am not home. Should I just trust them not to kill each other? Wow, I can't believe Lenore is 15 weeks old. I'm guessing I wont get an egg out of her until after winter?

To sum it up: Fajita and Lenore - OK, Lenore and Gordita - Terrible, Fajita and Gordita are absolutely positively in love (not really but they are very attatched and very close)

Oh, and here are some pictures. The shot with all of them isn't a fault, Lenore really looks that blue.

Lenore in her little run, next to the bat, which I use to flip around the pine shavings.

Lenore running away from me, as she doesn't like me much anymore, no matter how much I hold her

And, Lenore with the bigger gals, seconds before Gordita scarred Lenore for life

last night, I put another roost up, same level just for lenore. What happens? Fajita calls fist dibs, and WON'T GET OFF. I then made a temporary roost with a hoe, resting on the nesting boxes and a shelf. 3 chickens, 3 different roosts. WHERE DOES IT END?!
I hear heavier breeds are slower to mature. By the way! Long time no chat! Welcome back Susan! Lenore turned 17 weeks today. Lenore free ranges with the older girls, and they actually let her follow closely. Every now and then she'll go off on her own path, or the bigger chickens peck her, but other than that, it's pretty good. I would keep them in the run during the day, but Lenore can't figure out how to get out, even when she watches the bigger chickens do it
Idk (my bff rose). Everyone who knew Lenore (like real people, not just cyber people) seem to say she's huge. She's bigger than my banty cochin, Fajita, but smaller than my EE. Later today I'll take pictures.

A question: Will Lenore learn to get out of the coop on her own?
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A new pecking order has been established. Gordita is the biggest and the toughest (#1) Lenore is the 2nd biggest and the 2nd toughest (#2) And poor Fajita, who was the first chick I ever got, and was once in charge of my rooster, and gordita, then in charge of no one, then in charge of lenore, is now last again.

I was told it was supposed to be 20 degrees tommorow. I just looked it up, it is like 50 degrees. I already set up the heat lamp to be going all of tommorow!!

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