Lesson learned

I had an old lady hen, she was 8. She looked like a dinosaur with her pale face, pea comb,(since she's a SLW) thin body, and missing feathers. She looked prehistoric.
Anyway, when the cats would kill mice while they were free ranging, she would go find them, pick them up, and run around with them in her mouth like she won the lottery.
Then the other chickens would join in and try to steal it haha!
Evtenuntlay she'd swallow them whole.
She died recently, and my Golden comet mouse eater passed last year. The rest of the chickens would only eat mice when either of them got excited about it, so I'm the one cleaning up mice and dead birds now.
I keep a 5-gallon bucket with a handful of scratch in it next to the barn wall; I find a half dozen or so mice in it every morning. I carry the bucket into the driveway with the chicken parade strung out behind me, and I dump out the mice. The chickens turn savage and (insert graphic description of mice being gruesomely slaughtered here). And I've never seen one that didn't swallow its mouse whole.

She'll be fine.

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