Lest see your best stink eye!!!!


I guess stink eye is in the eye of the beholder, and in the context surrounding the event. Some of these stink eye's look like really annoyed chickens, but some of them look like peace loving chickens, but without the context witnessed by the photographer, I wouldn't be able to tell. When is a chicken that looks like a chicken angry, and when is she just looking like a chicken? Does there have to be intent on the part of the chicken for it to be a stink eye?
I think it's more of how we interpret the 'stinkiness' of the situation than necessarily the chicken itself. Laree in the AZ chickens thread has an awesome definition of Stinkeye...I'm running late for work or I would try to find it and post a link

The chicken is doing chicken-y things, and we happen to capture the stinkeye on camera (if we're lucky). I've often been the recipient of broody hen stinkeye
like....don't mess with my eggs HUMAN or I am going to peck out your SOUL kinda stinkeye....

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