Lethargic Bantam Chicken

I'm a bit confused as to whether the mass you feel is on the left or on the right side of this hen's abdomen. As you are looking at her vent, which side?

With the little information you've provided, it does sound like an issue with the oviduct. Whether it's inflammation, blockage, or something even more serious such as a tumor is something only a vet's exam may be able to determine. If you have access to an avian vet, this is a very good time to call them.

Meanwhile, do what @casportpony suggests and keep her warm. I suggest a heating pad. She should be given fluids to keep her hydrated. Her "pebbly" crop suggests she may already be dehydrated.
It would be her left side.
How is she doing?
Photos of the poop?

I agree with @azygous if you have a vet, that is always best. Also clarification of where you are feeling the "something" may give us a clue.

It's concerning that she is not pooping very well. With her age and hunched up appearance, I tend to lean with the others that she may be having some reproductive problems. When you gave her a soak, did you happen to insert a lubricated finger inside the vent (about 1") to see if there might be an egg in there?

Keeping her hydrated is important, so do the best you can with that. If you have any poultry nutri-drench, direct dose her at 1cc per 3lbs of weight.
Yes, I checked and didn't feel a egg. All I got was the runny stuff that came out when I checked.
Again, not an expert but trying to help if I can.

The stuff that came out, could it be contents of an egg? I am thinking a soft shelled egg which may have broken in the duct?

I have experienced that with one of my girls during a moult and luckily was able to retrieve all the remnants of the egg as it was protruding from her vent and she passed the remainder overnight [relaxed], avoiding infection.

Can you see anything in the vent which might be the remnants of a soft shell?
Again, not an expert but trying to help if I can.

The stuff that came out, could it be contents of an egg? I am thinking a soft shelled egg which may have broken in the duct?

I have experienced that with one of my girls during a moult and luckily was able to retrieve all the remnants of the egg as it was protruding from her vent and she passed the remainder overnight [relaxed], avoiding infection.

Can you see anything in the vent which might be the remnants of a soft shell?
Again, not an expert but trying to help if I can.

The stuff that came out, could it be contents of an egg? I am thinking a soft shelled egg which may have broken in the duct?

I have experienced that with one of my girls during a moult and luckily was able to retrieve all the remnants of the egg as it was protruding from her vent and she passed the remainder overnight [relaxed], avoiding infection.

Can you see anything in the vent which might be the remnants of a soft shell?
I wondered if it wasn't egg..... but i cant see anything that looks like a shell.
What Teila describes happened to one of my hens a few months ago prior to molt. She was struggling for hours to pass an egg. I gave her a warm soak, and a few hours later, while on the nest, she passed some yolk out of her vent. Then later out in the run, I saw her squatting with a collapsed soft-shelled egg hanging from her vent, which I pulled the rest of the way out.

I immediately started her on an antibiotic since risk of infection from a broken egg is high. She recovered nicely, and has been behaving normally ever since, but I'm still waiting to see if she will ever lay again. Probably not.
What Teila describes happened to one of my hens a few months ago prior to molt. She was struggling for hours to pass an egg. I gave her a warm soak, and a few hours later, while on the nest, she passed some yolk out of her vent. Then later out in the run, I saw her squatting with a collapsed soft-shelled egg hanging from her vent, which I pulled the rest of the way out.

I immediately started her on an antibiotic since risk of infection from a broken egg is high. She recovered nicely, and has been behaving normally ever since, but I'm still waiting to see if she will ever lay again. Probably not.
She doesn't look to really be trying to push anything out, not like i would expect. She just is still and keeps her eyes closed.
Do you have the budget for a vet? We can only make guesses from out here, not even being able to see her.

I've had to become my own vet since the vets here make it clear they are only able to help "dispose" of a sick chicken, not heal them.

When I have a very sick hen such as you describe yours, I begin an antibiotic immediately after ruling out crop issues. Bacterial infections are very common, and chances are pretty good that an antibiotic may make a difference. At least, it's been my experience that going this route has very little, if any, downside.

I keep amoxicillin and penicillin on hand so no time is wasted, especially since I live pretty much in the middle of nowhere. But you could probably find something at your feed store.
Well I am sad to say she didn't make the night. I did however examine her further and she did have an egg inside her, I only found a tiny piece of shell though and it was soft. the yolk was no broken. I looked a lot for more shell and I didn't see any more and she didn't pass any yesterday so not sure where the rest of it went. Thank you all for your responses , I really appreciate your help.

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